Chapter 14

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Hanako had agreed to spar with Kazuki and Takeshi. In the training grounds, Takeshi sat under the shadow of a tree while Kazuki and Hanako stood face to face and performed the Seal of Confrontation that was taught to them in the academy. Kazuki pulled out a kunai from his pouch and threw it towards the brunette while jumping back. Hanako pulled out her own kunai and used it to stop the coming knife and catch it in midair, having both weapons on her hands. Kazuki hid in the trees while trying to think of a plan.

Hanako only smirked when she noticed his intentions; she knew that he didn't know the full extent of her abilities. She let the two kunai fall to the ground and made the seals for a fire technique. A fire barrage came out of her mouth towards the tree where her teammate was hiding. He was surprised by the upcoming attack and tried to evade it by jumping far away, although the fire was faster and got him. Hanako smirked, but it was erased immediately when she noticed something strange. The boy lying on the ground had disappeared and in his place was a burnt log.

"Tsk! Not bad," Hanako concentrated on her surroundings, but she almost didn't notice the shuriken moving fast towards her. She jumped to a high branch looking for the raven haired boy. "I know you're around here!" she shouted. "Why don't you come out, Kazuki? Are you afraid?" She chuckled softly until she noticed the boy jumping through the trees and suddenly landing in the middle of the river, managing to maintain his balance. Her surprise immediately fumed away when she noticed he was making hand seals.  

"Water Style: Raging Waves!" Water came out of his mouth with a great force towards Hanako. Water Style? I can't counter that with fire. She crossed her arms in front of her in defence of the upcoming attack. She was dragged by the water until she collided with the bark of a tree. She coughed the bit of water that got into her lungs while she got up, all soaked by the water. When she looked up, she was met by Kazuki's amused expression.

"Water is your weakness, huh?" Hanako frowned. "It's over. My water will kill your fire, Uchiha."

"No." She smirked. "Not if my fire evaporates your water first, Kazuki." She threatened. Hanako didn't know the full extent of Kazuki's abilities either, she wouldn't let her guard down.

"Why don't you use your Sharingan?" Kazuki inquired. "So much pride you have to show it?"

"No. If you want that much to see it..." She closed her eyes. "Then I shall accomplish your wish." She opened her eyes, they turned as red as blood and her black pupil was surrounded by three black tomoes. Maybe Kazuki was better in taijutsu and probably also ninjutsu, but he couldn't compare to her in genjutsu. The moment the black haired boy looked at her in the eyes, he was already in it. She smirked evilly. Kazuki noticed amazed that the tomoes started to spin around her pupil, slowly then faster.

The boy woke up from his trance when he heard the crunch of a twig behind him. He turned around but there was nothing. Confused, he turned to look back at the girl to find that she was gone.

"Hanako?" he asked loudly. "Are you there?"

"What's the matter, Kazuki?" He heard her voice as an echo through the woods. "Don't you see I'm right here?" This time it was a murmur in his ear. She immediately turned around to find her standing right behind him with a smirk. He noticed that her eyes were back to the accustomed black.

"You deactivated your Sharingan." He pulled out a kunai and got into a defensive stance. Hanako chuckled.

"Maybe..." Her body started to vanish. "Or maybe not." Her voice sounded again as an echo as she disappeared into thin air. 

"What the hell?!" Kazuki started looking desperately for her teammate.

"Look out," Hanako warned him, still hidden in the shadows. A group of kunai attacked Kazuki from his back. He managed to dodge some, but one got stuck in his leg making him fall to his knees in pain.

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now