Chapter 22

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"Iosh..." Hayate placed his hand in between the two Iwa opponents. "Begin!" He pulled away his hand and immediately retreated where the Hokage stood.

Tomoya launched himself to attack Isao with Taijutsu but every hit he tried to land the other would dodge easily. After realizing what he was doing was completely useless, he jumped away and pulled out a scroll from his pouch. He opened it over the ground, showing a kanji that read 'water'. Tomoya made some seals before placing his foot over the kanji, making water pour out of it like a stream. Hanako widened her eyes.

"A scroll for water summoning?!" She looked expectantly at her sensei who nodded.

"There's infinite things you can summon. Although for some of them you require a contract, with animals for example." The brunette nodded and focused once again on the match.

"Water Style: Water Shark Bullet!" From the water he had summoned, a torrent formed into the shape of a shark and attacked Isao. He made some hand seals.

"Earth Style: Earth Wall!" Isao formed an earth wall that protected him from the water jutsu.

"Not bad," Tomoya commented. "But what do you think about this?" He performed another set of hand seals. "Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!" He launched from his mouth a water stream that pierced Isao's wall, making him jump, trying to keep the water from reaching him.

"You leave me no choice." Isao muttered making a seal. "Camouflage Jutsu!" He suddenly disappeared, leaving everyone astounded.

That jutsu... Hanako thought, that's the camouflage jutsu. It makes him appear invisible and only people with a visual prowess or sensors would be able to locate him.

Tomoya noticeably tensed, he never thought Isao would use that technique against him. Now he was done for. He didn't have a way of knowing where Isao was, and he could attack from anywhere he wanted and whenever he wanted. Without a warning, Isao attacked Tomoya from behind, sending him flying until he landed over the ground harshly. He stood up again with some difficulty. Isao started attacking him again. Tomoya couldn't evade any of it since he couldn't know where the attacks would be coming from. Isao then aimed for a kick at his jaw, finally leaving him unconscious. Tomoya was left motionless on the ground; Isao reappeared beside him. Hayate walked to them.

"The winner of the first match: Isao from Iwagakure."

"How troublesome would it be to fight an enemy that you can't see?" Takeshi wondered out loud. "But, even though he used that technique while fighting you, you were able to see him, Hana-chan..." He raised an eyebrow at his teammate waiting for an explanation.

"That's because I had my Sharingan activated," Hanako said. "With it, I can see everyone's chakra. It's useless for him to use that jutsu against me and my eyes, since even though he appears invisible I can still see his chakra," she added.

The medics came to the arena to pick up Tomoya's body to take him to the hospital. Isao walked to the balconies were the rest of his team waited for him.

"Good, now with the second match," Hayate announced. The tablet started picking names again until it made another beeping sound.




"It's your turn." Hanako turned to look at her comrade with a wide smirk. He only rolled his eyes after seeing the names on the screen.

"Against that girl... And here I was hoping I wouldn't face anyone from that team." Takeshi sighed.

"You don't have to worry, you'll do fine. I don't know what kind of abilities she might have, but don't let your guard down just because she's a girl." Takeshi looked at her and nodded before walking down to the arena.

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now