Chapter 5

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The next day, Takeshi was sick and didn't come to class. The first period, Hanako felt alone. Girls wouldn't talk to her, boys were afraid of her. Takeshi was the only one who saw her for who she was, at least in the academy. She could still trust Izumi, but she was in the class next door.

She stayed in class during the recess. There was no point in going outside, if there was no one to hang out with.

After 20 minutes, the bell rang and the students slowly entered the class. She was surprised when someone took the seat next to her. She looked up and her eyes almost popped out when she saw Itachi. She looked around, everyone had the same expression. What was Itachi Uchiha doing in their class?

"Hey, I think you're confused, but your class is next door," Hanako said slowly, so he could understand every word she said. That earned her glares from the girls. Why would she be urging him to leave? Of course they were all glad they had something to look at besides the board.

Itachi smiled as he cast a side glance toward her. "I was transferred to this class. Starting today, I'm Itachi from 1-1."

Hanako was dumbfounded, Itachi was now in her class. The teacher soon walked into the class. "Oh, everyone. I suppose you have noticed, but one of the students from the class next door was transferred to this class. Please welcome him for the rest of the year."

"Itachi is really in our class!"

"This must be a gift from the heavens!"

"Why must he sit beside that tomboy, anyway?"

"He should sit beside me, I'm prettier!"

Hanako pouted, listening to what other girls said. "What's their problem?" she muttered, and Itachi heard her.

"Ignore them. They're probably just jealous of you."

Hanako remained silent as the teacher started their lecture. Itachi would often participate, getting his answers right every single time. I guess, he'll take the first place soon enough... No! Don't think that way Hanako, he's now your official rival! Beat him!

With a new resolve, she straightened in her chair. "So, does anyone know the answer?"

"Me!" Hanako lifted her hand at top speed, before anyone else could process the teacher spoke. But then she remained silent.


"I'm sorry... can you repeat the question?" The class laughed. The teacher took a deep breath and looked at the boy beside her.


"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu."


Hanako growled and let her head fall against her desk. "Don't seat beside me ever again. That spot is taken anyways. Takeshi was just sick today."

Itachi sighed. "I know we had a rough start, but I thought we could become friends."

Hanako lifted her head and looked at him surprised. "Friends?"

"Hanako Uchiha, are you still with us?" She could tell the teacher was getting angry.

"Yes, sir!"

"What jutsu did I explain just now?"

"Water Bullet." Itachi muttered barely noticeable, but Hanako heard him.

"Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu."

The teacher didn't seem convinced. "I'm letting you off the hook this time. But if I catch you one more time glancing at the boy beside you instead of paying attention, you'll have to stay for extra class time. Understood?"

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now