Chapter 7

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Just like Izumi had said, it didn't take long for word about her encounter with the bullies to reach the teachers.

It was the third period, right before recess, when there was a knock on the door of the class 1-1. It slid open to reveal a man dressed in standard Jounin uniform. He looked at the teacher, who had shut up when the door was suddenly opened. Third period was Ninja History, a class Hanako very much enjoyed. She crossed her fingers under the table, hoping they didn't come looking for her.

She arrived to class in the second period. After taking Izumi to the infirmary, she stayed with her, just watching her sleeping form or staring out the window until first period was over. She arrived for second period, and sat in her usual spot next to the window. Takeshi would always challenge Itachi to a race to the class after resistance training, but Itachi would always win and claim the spot next to her. Takeshi, gritting his teeth, had no option but to sit beside him. She didn't understand guys. Who in their right mind would race right after resistance training? She was sure Itachi could handle it, but Takeshi was overexerting himself.

She could understand something, the sit Itachi had claimed used to belong to Takeshi before he was transferred. But she still couldn't understand why he was fighting so hard to get his seat back. Not that she cared, but she kind of liked Itachi sitting next to her every day.

"I need Hanako Uchiha to come with me. Her presence has been requested in the main office." The entire class took a breath in unison, including herself. Takeshi moved to the front, enough to make eye contact with Hanako. "What did you do this time?" he mouthed with concern. Hanako knew very well what she had done, and Itachi did too.

With a sigh, she stood up and walked towards the door. All eyes were on her, and the teacher remained silent as she made her way. It wasn't until the door was closed behind her, that she heard him clear his voice and begin speaking about the First Hokage's deeds once again.

"What did I do?" Hanako asked in the most innocent voice she could muster.

The Jounin, probably a teacher from the senior courses, looked at her with serious eyes. "You know very well what you did."

Hanako looked at the floor, she didn't say anything else until they reached the main office.

The Third Hokage was like the principal of the academy. All the teachers answered to him, and even the lesser missions, like D and C rank, were assigned in this room. It was a large rectangular room, with a long table right in front of the window. The Hokage was sitting in the centre, with two other teachers at each side of him. Hanako could recognize the other two people in the room to be the bullies she faced that morning. Tenma Izumo was standing in the middle of his two friends, arms crossed and a bored look on his face.

"Tenma, stand straight." The teacher who escorted Hanako to the office spoke loudly.

Tenma, in a second, let his arms fall to his sides and straightened his back. Hanako guessed right, he was their teacher. "What is this?" she asked.

"We heard about your little 'encounter' of this morning." The teacher replied, giving her a stern look. "Tenma will apologize for making you uncomfortable."

"Is that why I was brought here?" Tenma growled. "Come on, sensei, we already came to an understanding. I'm missing Ninjutsu class right now, and the exams are coming soon!"

"I must agree with Tenma," Hanako said. "We did come to an understanding." A smirk graced her lips, but she refused to let it show. He did say things wouldn't be left like that, which supposed he might come at her again. But she was actually looking forward to it.

"I still don't appreciate fights within the academy. I would like you two to come to terms with each other, as fellow Konoha Shinobi." The Hokage's request was clear. "The four of you will stay after class for extra sparring sessions. You will finish whatever business you had this morning, with your respective teachers as spectators. We won't let you harm each other, but you will get to release some of your tension."

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now