Chapter 15 - The Chuunin Exams

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Shisui arrived at the Hokage Mansion right on time for the Chuunin Exams meeting to begin. "Took you some time," a Jounin muttered to him once he noticed his arrival. "Where were you, Shisui-san?"

Shisui looked at him and smiled slightly. "I had some business to take care of," he replied as he entered the meeting room, followed by the other Jounin. They all arranged in line in front of the Hokage.

"Well, as you may already know, it's almost time for the Chuunin Exams. This year, Konoha will be the host for this round," announced the Third. "These exams —planned twice a year— serve as a way of unification among shinobi of all countries and the measurement of the development of their ninja abilities. You have to be certain about the level of your Genin students before even thinking about signing them up to participate. Let alone the mention of the requirements, including the eight successfully completed missions." The Hokage exhaled smoke from his pipe. "And thus, we may start with the official nominations for this year's first round of the Chuunin Exams." All Jounin suddenly got serious, especially the supervisors, who walked a couple of steps forwards and bowed to the Hokage. Shisui had his eyes set on Kaito, Hanako's teacher. He had heard about him. Then his eyes moved towards Masaru, Itachi's teacher. He hoped Itachi would finally get nominated. He had been waiting for this for three years, but Yuki had thought he was too young. Now, Masaru had a different judgement. "Let's begin with you, Hiroshi." The old man directed himself to the black haired Jounin, who stood on the left end. Shisui had never heard of him.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." He made a seal with his index and middle fingers as he talked. "I, Hiroshi, leader of Team Three conformed by: Ren Sonoda, Kaichi Kazeyama and Hyori Senju," Shisui brows shot up at the last name, "wish to nominate the three of them to participate in the upcoming Chuunin Exams." The Hokage nodded as his eyes moved to the next Jounin, who followed the same procedure.

"I, Kaito Hayata, leader of Team Four conformed by: Kazuki Mitokado, Takeshi Komatsu and Hanako Uchiha; wish to nominate the three of them to participate in the upcoming Chuunin Exams." The last one in line prepared himself to talk.

"I, Masaru Abukara, leader of Team Two conformed by: Itachi Uchiha, Koharu Anami and Hiroki Daishi; wish to nominate the three of them to participate in the upcoming Chuunin Exams."

"Well..." The Hokage sighed. "Anyone else?" he asked without receiving any kind of answer. "In that case..." he muttered, "The Genin of Konoha to participate in the Chuunin Exams are now officially nominated." All the Jounin walked back to their places in line. "Now I want Shisui Uchiha, Ibiki Morino and Hayate Gekko to take a step forward." The aforementioned did as commanded. "Ibiki."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." The Jounin bowed.

"I want you to be the proctor of the first test. The Jounin that used to take care of it has just retired." Ibiki bowed again.

"Yes, sir."

"Shisui, you'll be the proctor for the second test."


"Hayate," he motioned to the last one. "You'll be the proctor for the third test."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," he bowed.

"In that case, everything's been decided. Start with the preparations," said the Hokage. Everyone nodded and disappeared. 

* * *

Kaito decided to take a walk, thinking about the approaching Chuunin Exams. Kaito thought a lot about it. His students were rookies, only ten-year-old brats. Even if they had a few months of experience as Genin, he hoped they would all right.

He was aware of their abilities, they were above average for shinobi that hadn't met war, especially the girl. Hanako Uchiha. She was above average.

The Jounin entered a dango store he saw from the tip of his eye, and saw Anko Mitarashi sitting at one of the tables. She was eating a big combo of dango. Kaito smiled to himself, remembering about her addiction, and walked towards her.

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