Chapter 10

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It was finally the day Kazuki and Takeshi would be assigned into a Genin Team. They were both sitting next to each other when Yakumo walked into the classroom with a few folders in his hand.

After a few teams had been assigned, it was their turn. "Team Four," he declared in a loud voice. "Kazuki Mitokado. Takeshi Komatsu. Tutor: Kaito Hayata." The boys looked at each other.

"Just the two of us?" asked Takeshi.

Kazuki shrugged. "Guess we'll see why."

"I bet we're just too amazing, we don't need a third member." Kazuki huffed. The confidence Takeshi had was unbelievable.

In the two years after Hanako Uchiha graduated, Kazuki had kept his word and became Takeshi's partner. They would train together, study together and even eat together at lunch. He had come to tolerate the hazel-eyed boy, more than he has ever tolerated anyone else. The only thing he never came to tolerate were the horde of fangirls after him every day. With Itachi's departure, he became the new focus of their attention, and he hated it. As his best friend, Takeshi seemed to gather a lot of attention as well. But Takeshi was a natural extrovert, he loved the new gained attention.

Takeshi and Kazuki walked outside the classroom as soon as they had been dismissed to meet with their teachers. They stopped when they came across a girl their age, with long brown hair and dark eyes. When she glanced at them, she smiled brightly.

"Hey there you two, long time no see."

Takeshi's eyes watered. "Hana-chan!" He ran towards the girl and trapped her between his arms. "It's been two long years without you! Do you realize how boring is to spend time with this knucklehead when you're not around?!"

Hanako gave Kazuki an apologetic smile, but he didn't mind. He knew Takeshi would always be like this, but he knew he appreciated him. "How have you been?" he asked. "Any difficult missions?"

Hanako shrugged, pulling away from Takeshi. "Not really. I was being assigned to random teams until you guys graduated, but I guess now I get to really experience being a Genin."

Takeshi gave her a confused glance. "Wait, you are our missing member?" Hanako nodded. "Oh! Our team is brutal!"

Hanako laughed. "Yeah, it is."

A man was suddenly standing behind them, and Hanako assumed it was their teacher. "A bunch of kids?" he asked when his eyes fell on them. He let out a sigh. "Do I really look like a babysitter to the Hokage? What are you guys, four?"

Hanako rolled her eyes. It was all marching well until he arrived. "We're turning ten this year."

"Still look like babies to me." He raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, let's go somewhere else."

Team Four followed Kaito to the training grounds, where they sat in front of the Memorial Stone.

"Now, from today on you're officially Genin. My name is Kaito Hayata, and I'll be your sensei. So, why don't you introduce yourselves? I'd like to know who I'm dealing with," he stated bluntly.

"Fine, I'll go first," the brunet boy said. "My name is Takeshi Komatsu. I live with my father. My mother died when giving birth to me, so I'm an only child. My father had to quit his career as a ninja to raise me and now he works selling weaponry. My dream is to be the great ninja he couldn't be, so I can honour him. I like to build stuff and train with my sword. I hate cocky people who believe themselves to be superior."

"So, you basically hate Hanako," Kazuki commented, earning a glare from the girl. The boy chuckled, "It was just a joke..."

Hanako rolled her eyes, "Sure..."

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now