Chapter 30

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Zetsu paid close attention to the match between the two girls. He never expected the Senju brat to be able to use Wood Style Jutsu. At first, he just saw the name in the documents and decided that it would be fun to put Hanako against her, although he never planned for this. Everything was going better than what he had expected. Hyori's Wood Style was still too basic, but he had to take into account that she was still young. She was around Hanako's age, maybe a little younger.

Zetsu let out a low chuckle, Madara couldn't possibly know about this, or else he would have asked for the Senju brat as well. Hanako seemed to have taken a liking to her or else the kid would have been pulverized by now —the Uchiha trained with Madara mainly on her offensive to beat Isao, which meant her defensive was a little off. Her speed and her fire jutsu improved greatly but the rest...she didn't even think about it.

Zetsu decided not to mention anything about the Senju for both hers and Hanako's sake. He could alter the fight when he was about to show it to Madara anyway, instead of wood he would make it look as if she attacked with Earth Style.

"Not bad..." Hanako smirked at the Senju. The smoke was finally clearing out, so Zetsu focused once again in the fight. "I thought you said you were going serious," Hanako commented. "It's that really all you've got?" Hyori tightened her hands into fists until her knuckles turned white.

"I'm just saving the best for last." The Uchiha frowned at that. "You just wait for it." With that said, Hyori launched herself against her opponent aiming a punch at her face. Hanako saw this and received the hit with her palm. Hanako's eyes widened at its force of impact and wrapped her hand around the Senju's fist. Hyori clicked her tongue and aimed for a kick at Hanako's side but the Uchiha grabbed her ankle with her free hand.

Hyori smirked. This was best for her since now the Uchiha didn't have any more hands to stop her hits. She formed her free hand into a fist and directed it to Hanako's head. Hanako tilted her head sideways, letting the fist past. Hanako's eyes focused on the Senju's hand and that's when she noticed the fine layer of chakra surrounding it.

"I see... That's how it works..." Hanako muttered under her breath, letting go of the Senju and flipping backwards. Hyori frowned and concentrated her chakra on the soles of her feet and pushed her way towards the Uchiha, trying her best at landing a hit on her. She aimed everywhere she could. Up. Down. Left. Right. But Hanako evaded all of them by moving her body away from her fist just in time. Hanako observed cautiously each of her movements, noticing the small wave of chakra that came from the Senju's fist every time she hit the air. Hyori moved fast, Hanako could only evade her hits thanks to her Sharingan and her speed.

"Dammit!" The Senju girl cursed. She couldn't hit her. Hanako at that moment jumped away, and landed a great distance away from her. Hyori only started at her with an angry look.

"You're good," Hanako commented, raising her hand, opening and closing it slowly as if trying to alleviate some kind of pain. "I had forgotten you use chakra to increase damage and speed of your Taijutsu. If I hadn't put chakra into my hand in the first hit, you could have easily broken it." The Uchiha looked up at the other girl with an amused smile. Hyori didn't say anything and again, launched herself at full speed at Hanako. "Come on, I'm getting tired of this game." Hanako commented as she saw through the Senju's intentions. She was aiming for a kick at her ribs but yet again she grabbed her ankle and smirked. The Uchiha pulled her and spun around throwing her away. Hyori gasped as she went flying across the arena. When she hit the ground, she rolled for a couple meters, leaving a trail behind as she slid backwards. "When are you getting serious?" Hanako looked at her while crossing her arms in front of her chest. Hyori smirked and chuckled lowly.

"You didn't see it, huh? Good." Hanako narrowed her eyes at what she said. What hadn't she seen? She was sure she had paid attention to every single one of her movements. "How about now?!" Hanako's eyes suddenly widened when she felt a chakra source coming from beneath her. Hyori made her way out from the ground and landed a powerful punch on her stomach, drawing all the air from her lungs. Hanako went flying backwards until she crashed against the wall of the arena, crating it and making it tremble slightly. The Hyori that was previously lying on the ground turned into a wooden doll.

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