Chapter 6

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Hanako only had in her mind the situation her sister was going through. That morning, Hikari refused to leave her bed. She wouldn't even eat properly, and Hanako was fearing she could get sick. But Hikari wasn't the only one with issues.

"Listen closely, Uchiha! We want you to apologize in the name of your clan!" Hanako heard a boy yell in the middle of the hall, making her stop in her tracks right before walking around the corner.

"I have nothing to apologize for." She could easily recognize Itachi's calm voice despite the threats he was receiving.

Hanako heard one of them growl. "Nothing to apologize for?" he asked in disbelief. Hanako looked around the corner. Three boys were standing before Itachi, all of them probably twelve. They were seniors. The boy in the middle pointed at his friend of the right. "Thanks to the Kyuubi, he doesn't have a father, and he," now he pointed to the boy at his left, "He lost his uncle as well." Itachi was narrowing his eyes, looking intently at the boys in front of him. "Most of us lost something dear to us that night. But, the Uchiha.... They were the only ones who had zero casualties. What a coincidence, don't you think?" Hanako couldn't see the boy's face, but she could swear he was smirking. "People keep saying it's your fault. So I will say it again, apologize!"

"I won't."

The boy gritted her teeth and reached for a kunai from his pouch. All boys did. Hanako narrowed her eyes and looked at Itachi. He was calm, but there was something in his eyes. A look, begging for them to stop what they were about to do. Itachi wasn't afraid of them, he was afraid of what he could do them if they continued. Hanako knew for a fact that Itachi would always carry a knife in his clothes. So, he was armed, but refused to fight with them.

She decided to intervene. "Hey you, the one with the funny hair. What do you think you're doing, threatening a first year student?" At that point, everyone in the hall was paying attention to them, but Hanako didn't mind.

The boy scoffed and looked around. When his eyes found Hanako, he raised an eyebrow. "Another Uchiha? Do you know who I am?" He smirked.

"Should I?" Hanako looked at him with a judging look. "Do you have a reputation of bullying freshmen or something?"

He growled, greeting his teeth so tight, the muscles of his cheek would stand out. "My name is Tenma Izumo. I'm the top class senior student, which means I'm the strongest in the entire academy."

Hanako's lips curled up at the sides. All the students in the hall were watching them in curiosity. They all knew Tenma. "Is that so? Or is it what you want to believe?"

Tenma was playing with the knife in his hand. "What is it with you, Uchiha freshmen?" He raised an eyebrow. "You think that because the teachers praise you, you own the school or something?"

Hanako's grin widened. "Speak for yourself."

"Careful... If we were to fight right now, your body will be sore after the beating I'll give you." Tenma turned the kunai around his fingers.

Hanako closed her eyes. "The only thing that will be sore, will be my eyes after I'm done with you." When Hanako opened her eyes, Tenma was met with a red eye that paralysed his body. The two boys beside him flinched in terror.

"Hey Tenma, we shouldn't piss her off, she will kill us!" Tenma was weighing his possibilities, but in the end he decided to put away his knife.

Hanako's eyes faded back to black, as she watched with glee how his companions also put away their knives and left, leaving Tenma behind. The boy was trembling, but he built up his courage and walked towards her. "This won't stay like this." Tenma muttered under his breath, walking past Hanako towards his class.

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now