Chapter 8 - Genin Promotion

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The graduation test consisted of making three clones in front of three judges. It was so easy, Hanako doubled the amount of clones just to prove her level. The judges, three Jounin, were surprised and handed her the ninja protector in less than a second. Itachi was also offered to take the test at the same time she did, and they were now sitting outside at the playground, just watching the sunset. They were not coming back to that place, not again.

"I heard you will take a team tomorrow. Start with the missions as soon as possible, huh?" Itachi looked at Hanako.

The moment they finished the test, they went outside the building to find all the approved students celebrating together. Hanako and Itachi didn't know anyone. Well, they knew Tenma, but as soon as their eyes met, he looked away and continued to chat with his friends. Hanako looked down at her protector and smiled, wrapping it around her head, the metal plate displayed pridefully over her forehead. Itachi looked at her, and his lips curled up.

"Itachi..." she said, "We did it!" The excitement in her eyes was real. For him, it was just another step closer to complete his dream. But next to Hanako, he was starting to enjoy the path he had chosen, and feared the day they would get separated.

Itachi, too, put on the protector over his forehead, and realized his hair got longer. He looked at the girl beside him. "Do you happen to have a hair tie?"

Hanako searched her pouch and gave him a red hair tie. "I need it later for training, though." Itachi combed his long hair with his fingers and arranged it into a low ponytail. When he looked back to the brunette, he realized she was staring. He frowned. "What?"

Hanako blinked and smiled. "You know what, you can keep it. You look fantastic with your hair tied." Itachi felt that warmth in his chest again. He didn't know what it was, but he was sure he would only feel it whenever he was with Hanako. It scared him, but at the same time he craved for it.

Izumi arrived to their side as soon as she heard the news. The end of the tests coincided with lunch, so the rest of the students could come and celebrate with the new graduates before they left for the day. "I'm happy for you two, but at the same time I'm really sad." Izumi pouted. Hanako laughed at her. "Why would you be sad?"

Izumi rolled her eyes. "Why do you think? Today is the last day, and without you next year, school is going to be boring." Izumi grinned. "Especially Shiro-sensei's classes. Without you, I fear she might bother me instead." Hanako and Izumi both laughed together. Takeshi wrapped his arms around Hanako from behind. He hugged her tightly, drawing the air from her lungs. "I'm going to miss you, Hana-chan." Izumi cast a side glance at Itachi, and noticed he wasn't happy. His eyes were trained on Takeshi's arms around her best friend, and with a sad smile she looked away from him. Takeshi sensed Itachi's glare and fought it with one of his own. Hanako unwrapped his arms from around her, and gave him a sad smile. "You hurry up and graduate Takeshi, I'll be waiting for you."

Takeshi looked at her and smiled widely. "I will." Hanako's eyes moved to the back. Kazuki Mitokado was looking at them, from beside the entrance. Hanako excused herself from the group and went to meet him. "Hey," she greeted.

"Hey." Kazuki was of the silent type, always reading his books. The first time Hanako talked to him was the day they sparred to test their abilities, and she defeated him. Since then, they would speak casually, concerning some techniques they both wondered about. Hanako realized Kazuki was excellent, but he liked to take things slow. "Congratulations." Hanako nodded with a smile.

"Can I ask for a favour from you?" she asked. Kazuki was curious, and pushed himself away from the wall. "Sure."

Hanako looked over her shoulder at Takeshi. "Do you see..."

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