Chapter 35

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In the kitchen, Hanako sat down at the table and almost immediately her mother placed a plate of hot steaming miso soup in front of her, a plate of sliced fruit in the middle and scrambled eggs. Hanako waited until everyone was sitting down before eating.

"So, we have already chosen a name for the twins," Akira commented and Hanako looked up at her with widened eyes.

"Really?" she gasped with her mouth full and Hikari threw a napkin at her.

"Don't talk while eating!" she chastised. Hanako used the napkin to clean her mouth while dedicating her sister a glare.

"So, what are they?" she finally asked, turning her attention back to her mother. Akira beamed and looked up at her with a big grin.

"Ryusuke and Hayato," she announced. Hanako felt as her blood ran cold and her frame visibly paled. Her chopsticks fell from her hand, and she gaped at her mother when part of her nightmare suddenly came to mind.

"Promise me you'll live. You will take care of Ryusuke and Hayato. You will train them and protect them with your life." That's what Hikari had told her in the dream. Hanako's eyes drifted towards her sister. She was eating calmly, totally unaware of anything. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat and did her best to give the most convincing smile to her mother, who was still looking at her expectantly. She was probably hoping to hear her opinion about the names.

"They're wonderful," Hanako said with a wide grin. It must be a coincidence she had dreamed about them before she knew them, right? Or was she asking for too much?

"Right?" Her mother was so excited she couldn't help but feel happy for her. It was just a dream, she shouldn't put so much thought into it.

Hanako heard a knock on the door and stood up. "I'll go get it!" She hurried towards it and opened it to find Itachi on the other side. She raised her eyebrow at him. "What are you doing here so early?"

Itachi smirked. "It's ten in the morning, you call that early?" Hanako was taken aback and turned to look over her shoulder at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room. Her eyes widened when she realized Itachi was right.

"No way, I couldn't have slept that long..." Hanako muttered under her breath and turned back to Itachi when she heard a soft chuckle coming from his way.

"It's okay. Go and put on some proper clothes, the Hokage is calling for us." Hanako looked at herself and raised an eyebrow. She was wearing her pajamas, which consisted of a pair of shorts and tank top, all white.

"Can't I just go this way? It's a really hot day anyway..." She chuckled when she noticed Itachi had paled, and closed the door in his face. Hanako hurried to her room and quickly changed into her ninja gear before going back to the living room. Right at that moment, Hikari walked out of the kitchen and looked at her questionably.

"Where are you going?"

"The Hokage's. Itachi came here to tell me he's waiting for us," Hanako replied. Hikari sighed.

"So, I'll take it you're not going to finish your breakfast," she stated, making Hanako look at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm not hungry anyway..." she commented, dragging a bit the words. Hikari chuckled.

"Alright," she shook her head, trying to dismiss her previous action. "Just go before I get tempted to lock you in your room before you decide to leave again," she finished.

Hanako scoffed. "Good luck with that..." and she walked out the door. Itachi waited for her, and looked up when he heard her exit the house. "I'm ready," she smiled slightly before starting to towards the Hokage Mansion.

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now