Chapter 4

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"Why must boys attend resistance training while girls are forced to attend flower arranging lessons?" Hanako growled as Izumi showed her her beautiful bouquet, with daffodils on its center and small white blossoms surrounding it. Hanako looked at hers, it was just a ball of mud and grass.

"I can't tolerate this..." Hanako muttered and stood up. All the girls looked at her in surprise. "Sensei!"

The teacher looked at her, and pushed back her glasses. "Yes, dear?" She laid her eyes on Hanako's mudball and sighed. "You need some advice?"

"I demand to be transferred to the resistance training." She crossed her arms, waiting for the teacher's answer. The teacher, however, laughed as if Hanako had just made a hilarious joke.

"Oh, dear! You're so funny!" As it happens with bipolar disorders, she became serious all of a sudden. "Girls will attend my class. It's obligatory I teach you how to develop the unique appeal kunoichi own. Which you, by the way, have a zero on. You need to work on it."

All the girls started laughing. Hanako tightened her fists and gritted her teeth. She needed the resistance training to work on her stamina. The day she joined Fugaku and Itachi for fire technique training, Itachi was able to perform a flawless fireball while she was stuck with a barely noticeable flame. Fugaku had said she hadn't built enough chakra yet, and that's why her fireball wouldn't grow. To build up her chakra resources she needed to focus on her stamina. That's why she had started running every morning before class, but the resistance training would have been exactly what she needed.

Hanako let herself fall on the ground and covered her face with her legs. Now, Itachi would get ahead of her, making even larger fireballs and learning more techniques, while she would barely light up a flame. Not to mention, she would still have trouble controlling her Sharingan.

The teacher sat right next to Hanako, but she didn't notice until she spoke. "You know, I used to be like you when I was your age. I hated wearing dresses, hated arranging bouquets, and most of all, I wanted to train like the boys. To put an end to the myth that girls couldn't be shinobi." Hanako looked up at her with wide eyes. It was hard to believe she could be like her, she who insisted that flower arranging was important. The teacher chuckled. "I know you might think what I'm teaching you is useless, but there are things that only girls can do since boys are too dumb to do it."

Hanako looked at the grass. "I still can't find the point to doing this. What will arranging flowers help me do in a mission?"

The teacher smiled and picked a random flower. "I need you to look at the big picture." She surrounded the big flower with various small ones. "When a kunoichi finally makes a name for herself, she becomes the big flower, while other shinobi are the small ones. We are not only ninja like men, but we ourselves can become the spotlight. However, sometimes we need to change, to move the spotlight into a different flower and merge in." She picked another flower and add it to the bouquet, and continued adding until she had a fair amount of different flowers surrounded by small white ones. "So, which one draws your attention?" asked the teacher.

Hanako looked intently at the bouquet, but neither called her attention. "It's hard to tell, I can only look at all of them at the time."

"Exactly." Hanako looked at her sensei, not understanding what she meant. "As a kunoichi, you need to analyze situations in which you need to blend in without getting noticed. We are naturally more adequate for infiltration since we have a very delicate way of viewing things. We tend to analyze every single detail and elaborate thousands of possible outcomes in seconds, making us the best choice for blending in enemy territory." The teacher looked at the flowers in her bouquet. "If I can make this flower become invisible by helping it blend in, then I can surely make myself invisible and blend in. Do you understand now? This is why I insist in teaching flower arranging. I trust you can draw the spotlight away from yourself, Hanako Uchiha, becoming the class clown should be the least of your priorities. I assume you will be a little more participative in our next lesson."

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