Chapter 26

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The next day, Shisui went to Hanako's house a little before sunrise. To avoid waking up her family, he looked for the window to the brunette's room and entered through it without making a sound. He observed the girl sleeping peacefully and doubted for a moment waking her up. However, they had a lot to do regarding Hanako's training and the thought of it cleared all doubt from his mind.

"Hey Hanako, wake up," he muttered next to her ear while shaking her a little. The brunette just groaned and turned her back to him. "Oh come on, sleeping beauty, don't make me use the trick to wake you." Hanako opened her eyes a bit and looked at him sideways.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh...yes I would," he said with a grin, coming dangerously close to her.

"NO!" In a fraction of a second, the girl was out of bed and on the other side of the room, pressed tightly against the wall.

"Well, now you seem more awake than ever!" Shisui commented with a big grin. "Go eat some breakfast and meet me in the training grounds at seven sharp." Hanako sighed as she looked at the clock on her night stand. It read six thirty in the morning.

"You have no idea how much I hate you right now..." she muttered under her breath.

* * *

Shisui had brought Hanako to a small zone in the training grounds surrounded by trees. The young Uchiha looked around, subtly analyzing the place. "So, what are we going to begin with?" Hanako looked at her senior with a glare.

Shisui smiled evilly, showing her a long rectangular piece of fabric. Hanako looked at it, several ideas forming on her head. "What's that?"

"This?" Shisui looked at the fabric and then at her. "A blindfold, your first training involves all of your senses except your sight." Hanako looked at Shisui as if he had gone crazy. He smiled and approached the girl. "Relax, we are going to play a game. Trust me, this training will be fun."

He covered her eyes with the blindfold and Hanako sighed. He had taken away her only advantage she had, now she felt vulnerable. "What kind of game is this?"

Shisui looked at the girl and smiled. "Hide and seek. I hide, you seek."

Hanako turned her head towards him. "And I'm supposed to look for you without seeing?" The incredulity was clear in her voice and Shisui just laughed.

"Aren't you a sensor? You shouldn't have a problem."

Hanako sighed. "I am, but there's a limit to how far I can sense... If you go too far away, I won't be able to find you."

"How far?"

"About one kilometer, farther than that it all becomes very confusing."

Shisui chuckled. "Well, I'm going to make it double then. You better work on extending your ability or you'll never find me."

The girl gasped. "You're not serious, doubling is too much!"

Shisui only laughed again and disappeared. Hanako froze when she couldn't sense his chakra anymore. "Shisui?"

Nothing. He wasn't there.

"Come on!" She looked around. She was about to take off the piece of fabric hindering her vision but a voice stopped her.

Don't even think about it. If you take it off, I won't let you go home until you defeat me in a real combat.

Hanako halted her movements and let her hand fall right back down. "This guy... Damn it, Shisui." She joined her hands into a hand seal and focused her chakra. Come on... Come on... I can do this!

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now