Chapter 13

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Hanako's eyes fluttered open, and she came to find someone looking down at her with curious yellow eyes. She gasped in surprise, punching the person straight into his nose.

"Ow! What did I do to you?" he exclaimed in pain. Hanako sat up and looked at him. She noticed his skin was extremely white, and he wasn't wearing any clothes, but he didn't have any genitals he needed to cover, so clothes would be just a courtesy on him. He didn't look any human, though, and she didn't sense any human energy from him.

Her eyes drifted towards an older man. He was definitely human. He had long spiky white hair that cascaded down his shoulders. He sat down against a humongous statue, which stored an abnormal amount of chakra. She didn't know why, but that chakra reacted to hers, like seeds of the same fruit. It was calling to her.

Her attention focused again on the man. He was connected to the statue, and his vital functions responded to it. He was living out of its life source. "Who are you? Where am I?" she asked. The old man opened only one of his eyes. A red Sharingan stared at her, and she froze. An Uchiha. This man was an Uchiha. What was doing an Uchiha outside Konoha, hiding in an underground cave?

Something wasn't right. He didn't have a Konoha headband. "Are you a rogue?" she asked. The man's lips curled up into a smirk. "You could say I'm not affiliated to any ninja village." His voice was harsh, like he had a sore throat.

Definitely a rogue. Hanako got into her feet and took a step back. "So, where am I? Should I be worried you kidnapped me?"

The man stood. "My name is Madara Uchiha." He used a scythe like it was a cane. "I didn't kidnap you. Zetsu found you a in a burning village, said it was you who started a fire. I would suggest not to be within the range of the explosion next time."

Hanako suddenly remembered her mission and sadness consumed her mind. Images about the sword mercilessly impaled through her father's chest and Yoshito's neck bent in a weird angle clouded her thoughts. Her knees gave in and her eyes blazed a firing red. Madara made his way towards her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm your mind, young Uchiha. Your thoughts are a mess right now, put them in order and don't let emotions make decisions for you."

Hanako looked up at the man, her eyes fading back to black. Her mouth was dry. He said he was Madara Uchiha. That Madara? She wasn't sure.

As if reading her thoughts, he allowed her into his mind. Hanako saw images of his past life, leading the clan in countless wars, losing everything, and then attacking the village with the Nine Tailed Fox before the First Hokage put an end to him.

She didn't know if she was trembling, but her body wouldn't listen to her. She tried to get away, but she was stuck in her place. "I feel it," he said. "The power of the Senju within you," there was distaste in his voice, but also some kind of curiosity. His eye analysed her thoroughly. "There is not a single wound on you. You probably inherited Hashirama's ability to heal without hand signs."

As if to confirm his words, Hanako looked down at herself. She was perfectly fine. Staring right again into Madara's Sharingan, she clenched her fists. She sprinted around him, knowing that in his state he wouldn't catch up to her. She sensed Zetsu sprint behind her, though.

His chakra moved around the walls and popped up right in front of her. Hanako's eyes shone, and she caught sight of a weapon hanging on the wall behind him. She switched places with it and hurried up the wall. She found an opening and crawled into it, smiling when sunlight hit her face.

"No!" Zetsu screamed but Madara stopped him before he went after her. "We'll leave her to Obito. There are things she still needs to learn."

Hanako ran incessantly until she saw the gates of the village in front of her. Consumed by exhaustion, the edges of her vision blurred, and she collapsed right before reaching the village.

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now