Chapter 24

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It had been a peaceful day. Hanako had taken a walk in the small forest behind the Compound, like she would always do. She was sitting, leaning her back against the bark of a tree as she watched the sun hiding behind the horizon. She closed her eyes and filled her lungs with the clean forest air. As she exhaled, she opened her eyes. There was a man standing a few feet in front of her, wearing a black cloak and an orange swirled mask.

Hanako jumped into a standing position, all of her senses getting into a defensive stance. "You seem scared..." The man said with a dark voice. "You don't remember me."

"Remember you? I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

"This is such a waste of time," he muttered, walking closer to her. "My business isn't with you, Hanako Uchiha, but more with what's inside of you."

Hanako narrowed her eyes and tightened her hands into fists. "What are you talking about?"

The man chuckled, making shivers run down Hanako's spine. He then turned to look at someone hiding behind him. Another man emerged, he was tall and young. Hanako guessed he was probably in his late teens. "So," he started, "this is the girl that's worth a lot of money to you guys?"

The masked man nodded once. "This is her. Remember, you'll only get your money if you defeat her, but you're not allowed to kill her."

The guy was looking directly at her, and Hanako gulped. What did these guys wanted from her?

"What is the interest you have? She seems like a useless brat, she's not even a threat. Is she an Uchiha? She doesn't have the Sharingan though."

"That doesn't matter. In the years I have lived, I've learnt that the Uchiha awaken their power when they find themselves in conditions of high stress." The masked man pulled out a knife from behind his coat. "Which can easily be arranged," he said and suddenly vanished. Hanako could feel panic rise in her, as she lost sight of the mysterious man. Not even a moment later, he was behind her.

"Fine," the young man also produced a knife from his clothes and Hanako widened her eyes. "I'll try not to."

He attacked her at the same time the masked man pushed her. Hanako barely could react to avoid his weapon, but that's all she could do. She was only six years old, she hadn't even started her ninja training formally at the Academy. She was supposed to be enrolled in just a week, why was this happening now?

Hanako avoided his knife again, using the little knowledge she had from training with her sister. Her sister was only an Academy student, but it was better than nothing.

Hanako grabbed a strong stick and used it as a weapon to clash against his kunai. The man smiled and a light blue aura surrounded the kunai, chakra. The stick broke easily and Hanako let go. The knife moved dangerously close to her and pierced the tree behind her. The man glared at her as he pulled the knife out. "Can't you just stay put?!"

The man threw the knife at her, Hanako dodged. She didn't realize he moved right after that and stood behind her, he landed a kick on her ribs, and she crashed against the ground. Hanako grunted and tried getting up, but the man kicked her again. She was sent towards a tree with little effort.

Hanako could feel intense pain at every breath she took. One of her broken ribs must have scratched her lungs. She looked up and through a hindered vision she watched the young man approaching her.

"Now, now... what are you going to do, Hanako? You're powerless right now, aren't you? You need to use that." The masked man appeared in the tree over her. He dropped something on the ground and Hanako followed the small object with her eyes. 

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now