Chapter 17

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"Alright, brats, it's time for the test to begin!" The voice of a man could be heard from the back of the classroom. Everyone turned to it to find a tall man with a bunch of grey uniformed Chuunin standing beside him. "The name's Ibiki Morino, and I'll be the proctor of the first test," he announced with an evil smirk. Hanako could notice that a lot of people standing around them trembled slightly and gulped at the proctor's face. "To start, hand over your signed forms, and we'll give you a card with a number. That number will be your assigned seat for the exam," he finished saying. Nobody moved. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get in line!" Without losing a moment, they all lined up to hand in the forms. "Once you're all ready, I'll begin explaining the rules," Ibiki added.

Hanako was the last member from her team to exchange a form for a card. She noticed that Ibiki would keep looking at her curiously, and when she returned the glare, he would smirk and turn away. As expected, she was assigned a seat far away from her teammates. Takeshi was four seats in front of her, and Kazuki was completely at the other side of the classroom, away from them. There were three rows of desks, each desk long enough to fit three people. Kazuki was on the right row while Takeshi and Hanako were in the left row. Hanako also noticed that Itachi was sitting two seats behind her, in the middle row. He noticed her stare and looked back at her with a smile. Hanako looked away without doing anything, trying to keep the blush away from her cheeks. She could also feel a pair of eyes burning the back of her neck, and she looked over her shoulder. Koharu was sitting right behind her, sending her a death glare. Hanako ignored her, and turned around.

"Careful," she heard a voice mutter into her ear. Hanako looked around for its owner, and found Hyori walking past her to the last seat in her row. She looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Hyori just smirked and pointed towards the proctor in the front of the class. He was staring at the Uchiha silently, waiting for everyone to sit still in their places. Hanako narrowed her eyes at him. Ibiki only cleared his throat, calling everyone's attention.

"Fine, now that we're all ready I'll explain the rules," he said as he turned his back to everyone and wrote a big ten on the chalkboard. "Each and every one of you will begin having a total of ten points. The test consists of ten questions, one point for each question, and it's based on the reduction of those points. One wrong answer means one point less. That would mean that if anyone gets all ten questions right, he or she will be having ten points as a final score. If anyone misses three questions, then they will be having seven points as a final score. Success or failure depends on the total points the team gets as a whole. Besides that, the participants are not allowed, under any circumstances, to fight each other during the test unless allowed by the supervisors here." He motioned to the Chuunin behind him.

Hanako smirked slightly, and looked over her shoulder at the Genin behind her. "Sorry about that..." she spoke quietly towards the girl with orange hair. Koharu snarled back at her and Hanako chuckled before turning away.

"Breaking that rule would mean an immediate failure," Ibiki raised his voice, his eyes glued to Hanako Uchiha, who looked back at him with a smirk plastered on her face. "And don't even think about copying once you receive your test. If one of the supervisors busts you, you will be punished with the removal of two points from your final score, for every time. They won't tell you if they bust you, so beware." Ibiki smirked. "You could be left in zero without even realizing it and you'll fail." He chuckled, "If you're busted five times, you and your teammates fail."

Hanako could feel her muscles tense. Failing meant points would be taken away, but yet... The girl looked up at the man in front of the class. Class... It was like some lame test in the Academy, but harder. For once, he wasn't looking at her. It was like he wanted them to copy; instead of failing them immediately, they would only take away points. They were giving them five chances at copying.

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