Chapter 1 - The Ninja Academy

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"She will be a danger to us in the future!" Danzo's voice resonated across the room. The Hokage raised his hand, halting every other voice speaking. Hiruzen Sarutobi was the Third Hokage, the current leader of the Leaf Village —he had been for the last 30 years.

"We are not going to execute her, Danzo." Hiruzen looked at the elder with serious, expressionless eyes. Danzo looked back at him with a daring posture. He had always wanted to be the Hokage and resented Hiruzen for getting the title and not him. Danzo also resented him for following the way of the First, who he believed was too bland to be a leader. He preferred the ruling of the Second, who changed drastically all matters concerning the shinobi by giving them ranks and forming special squads like the Anbu for secret assassinations and the Police Force to defend the village.

The elders were all meeting in the Hokage's mansion to discuss one of the Uchiha's children: Hanako Uchiha. She was born two years prior, but the kid started developing an intriguing chakra that had the elders on edge. "This girl is part of the Uchiha, a Noble Clan from Konoha. We cannot harm her without starting a civil war."

"That girl has both Senju and Uchiha chakra, she cannot remain unsupervised." Koharu looked at the Kage with her hands on her lap, tightening her fingers around the fabric of her kimono.

"She won't be." Hiruzen looked at the door and called someone outside: "Fugaku, please come in."

The door opened to reveal the current leader of the Uchiha Clan. A tall man with shoulder-level brown hair, and fierce eyes. "Yes, Hokage-sama." Fugaku bowed in respect towards the head of the village. He stayed by the door.

"I'm sorry to bother you at a time like this when you were cautiously scheming our war strategy, but we have to discuss some important issues regarding one of your clan's kids." The Hokage stood up from his place and walked towards the Uchiha.

"Is it Yusuke's younger daughter?" Fugaku straightened himself to look at the Hokage.

"Would you be willing to sacrifice her?" Danzo suddenly asked. "For the greater good?"

"What 'greater good'?" Fugaku narrowed his eyes at the elder while unconsciously activating his clan's most feared doujutsu: the Sharingan, a blood-red eye with three black tomoe surrounding the pupil.

"We are not sacrificing Yusuke's child, don't worry about it," Hiruzen hurried to say while looking at Danzo from over his shoulder. "We're merely going to offer her some..." the Hokage stopped as if to ponder his next words. "Special treatment." He returned his look towards Fugaku. He was analyzing the Hokage's words before he finally deactivated his eye power.

"Hand her over," Koharu said. "Let's forget this ever happened."

"Koharu." Homura —the third elder present in the room— looked at her calmly. "Let Hiruzen handle this."


"That could be an option, yes," Hiruzen said, making everyone look at him in surprise. Fugaku's eyes never left him. "But not yet," he smiled at Fugaku's confused expression. "I want you to raise her like a warrior." The Hokage started pacing around the room. Fugaku finally entered the office and the doors closed behind him. All the elders looked up at him from their seats, but the Uchiha leader stood still in the center of the room. "She'll become an Anbu when she comes of age."

"There hasn't been any Uchiha in the Anbu," Koharu muttered.

"Precisely," Danzo replied with a smirk, trying to understand the Third's intentions. "They train to become policemen, and most women stay home doing domestic chores. Why break the Uchiha's tradition, Hiruzen?"

"I am asking myself the same question, Lord Third," Fugaku said, looking at the Hokage. "Why has a child like Hanako gathered all your attention?"

Hiruzen looked at Fugaku with a smile. "I'm not implying she's more important than the rest of your clan if that's what you're thinking Fugaku."

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now