Chapter 18

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All of the present observed the stage of the second test. Through the metallic fence, they could observe the big gnarled trees, so dense that the forest looked dark with barely any clearings. Everyone was nervous, including Hanako and her friends. She felt the cold sweat on her hands and gulped before seeing Shisui preparing to explain what the test would be about.

"F-Forest of D-Death?!" one of the participants shouted. "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked in a lower voice but equally scared. Shisui smirked. 

"It means that..." he seemed to ponder a little but then shook his head. "Well, they gave it this name for a reason. But you'll figure it out soon."

"Yeah, and that makes me feel slightly better," Kazuki commented as he watched the boy who asked; he was stepping backwards, looking at the forest with wide and scared eyes. Hanako nodded at his statement without taking her eyes off the boy. Seeing how scared he was made her wonder if that place was really as bad as it looked. Hanako stared at the village protector on his forehead. It had a big stone in it with a smaller one beside it. He was from Iwagakure.

For a moment, Hanako saw in her mind the images of the Iwagakure ninjas that ambushed her and her father's team near the border with Kusagakure, and she shivered. She had to focus on something else. This wasn't going to be like that time. None of them was going to die there.

"Well, it's time for me to explain this test," Shisui said, finally calling everyone's attention. This time he was serious. "To begin, there are two types of scrolls." Shisui showed them the two scrolls that he was holding, one on each hand. "This is the Earth scroll," he said as he lifted the blue scroll he had in his left hand. It had a white stripe in the middle with a big kanji of "earth" [地] written on it. "And this is the Heaven scroll." He lowered the Earth scroll as he lifted the other one he had in his right hand. This one was white, with a lighter shade of a white stripe and the kanji for "heaven" [天] written on it. "Each team will be given one of these scrolls, either Earth or Heaven. Your mission consists in completing a set of scrolls. A set meaning one Earth and one Heaven scroll." He lifted the scrolls again as he emphasized the word 'and'. In other words, they would be given one scroll but they needed both. "When you get both scrolls, you must rush towards the tower in the middle of the forest."

"Wait a second," Takeshi muttered as he bit his lip, thinking about something. "If each team will be having at the beginning only one scroll, and we need both to be able to go to the tower, then it means that at least half of the teams won't have any scrolls by the end of the test..." he said as he slowly processed what Shisui just said.

"Wow Takeshi you're a genius." Kazuki muttered, faking his amazement. "I didn't think about that..." Takeshi glared at him.

"Shut up..." Hanako told them before they started arguing in the middle of the explanation. Shisui heard this and his face formed into an evil smirk.

"Half of you passing would be an overstatement," he added with his smirk. "This forest counts with a twenty kilometer diameter and the tower is situated at the center," Shisui explained as he tossed the scrolls he had in his hands to one of the Chuunin next to him. "As you may have noticed, there are numbered entrances, from 1 to 44. When you receive your scroll, you will also be assigned a random entrance. Any questions?" All of them shook their heads. "Good. Now, on with the rules," Shisui said as he cracked his knuckles. "First, you have five days to complete the task. It is eight in the morning, we will give you a break so you guys can think of a strategy before going inside and, as we hand the scrolls and the assigned entrances, you might be going inside at about three o'clock. The test will be over in five days from today at three o'clock. If you arrive at the tower after the set time, you'll be disqualified." Shisui smirked. "Second, when you arrive at the tower, if you do, the team must be complete, safe and sound, with no severe injuries of any kind that would not let you continue. If one member dies or isn't okay to continue, the team will be automatically disqualified." His grin was starting to scare Hanako a bit. "And last but not least, it is strictly forbidden," he narrowed his eyes as he said this. "To check the content of the scrolls. That could bring grave consequences, without mentioning that you'd be immediately disqualified." His voice had become deep and scary, but he quickly shook it off and smiled again. "I'll give you a form to sign before the test. You will then exchange it for the scroll. Good luck."'

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now