Chapter 2

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"In the years I have lived, I've learnt that the Uchiha awaken their power when they find themselves in conditions of high stress." The masked man pulled out a knife from behind his coat. "Which can easily be arranged," he said and suddenly vanished. Hanako could feel panic rise in her, as she lost sight of the mysterious man. Not even a moment later, he was behind her.

Hanako awoke, all covered in sweat and panting heavily. She closed her eyes and rubbed them furiously, trying to forget what she saw that night.

After realizing her actions were doing no good, she stood from her bed and walked to the bathroom. When she looked at her eyes, she only saw the eyes of a murderer. Endless black pits that had nothing but emptiness in them. "Stop it, Hanako. We're in the academy now. We are going to learn how to control our chakra, and our power." She sighed, speaking to herself through a mirror wasn't helping either.

Hanako focused on her eyes once again. Focusing her chakra on them, her eyes merged into the all-known red eyes so commonly associated to the Uchiha. Only two tomoe rounded her pupil, but it was enough to make Hanako tremble. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth while looking at her red eyes. Then, the visions appeared.

Blood everywhere, the agony screams of people dying around her, and the smell of carnage. With a whine she deactivated her visual powers, and moved as far away from the mirror as she could.

A moment later, the door to the bathroom was slung open and an older girl stood next to Hanako. She recognized her sister, Hikari, who was looking at her with worry. "You did it again."

Hanako was trembling furiously, lying on the ground in a fetal position. "Hanako if your Sharingan is bothering you this much, we should go to the leader and tell him. He'll know what to do."

Hanako shook her head. "I got dad to enrol me into the academy because I promised him I would learn to control it, Hikari..." Hanako closed her eyes and started to sob. "If I can't do this single thing, I'm not worthy of being a shinobi..."

Hikari sighed, and kneeled beside her. "Listen, you won't master the Sharingan in a single night. It's been only a week. It takes years for experienced shinobi to master a new technique, and it's the same for us and the Sharingan. I don't even have it myself, and I'm still a worthy shinobi, aren't I?"

Hanako looked up at her sister. Hikari sighed. "What I'm saying is, if your eyes are bothering you too much, maybe Fugaku-san can give you tips to endure it. Make the process a little easier to complete."

Hanako smiled slightly. "That sounds good, actually."

"Right? We can go see him tomorrow, if you'd like."

"Tomorrow sounds good."

As expected, the leader lives in the biggest house in the center of the Uchiha Compound. Hanako and her sister decided to pay him a visit right before the academy started. "Are you nervous?" Hikari asked her younger sister. She was constantly scratching her arms, thing Hanako only did when she was anxious.

"Every time Mom speaks about Fugaku-sama, she does it with caution. How am I not supposed to be nervous when even Mom is nervous around him?!" She lowered her voice and spoke closer to Hikari. "She even said he tends to judge people after a single glance."

Hikari chuckled. "He's dad's best friend. He won't judge us."

"What if he thinks we're just spoiled brats looking to get in his good side?" Hikari punched her sister's shoulder. Hanako gasped in pain and directed her sister a glare. "You're nervous too."

A Lethal Weapon - ALW Saga Book 1 [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now