Chapter 33

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The scent of medicine and alcohol was unmistakable. Hanako fluttered her eyes open, and regretted it almost instantly when light rushed into her pupils. She moved in reflex to cover her eyes but pain and soreness stopped her movements. Hanako took a deep breath, and opened her eyes again, this time slower. Her blurred vision focused until she was able to see the hospital room she was in. Then she looked at herself. She was bandaged from neck to toes, but at least there were no needles stuck in her. She relaxed.

Hanako sat up and growled slightly at the effort when a sense of dizziness got into her. She went to grab her head, applying pressure in her temples to make it stop turning. She sighed when it stopped, and dragged her hands down her hair, untying knots in the process. She pulled her hair to the front, combing it with her hands, and widened her eyes in horror when she looked at its tips. Her hair was a pure black color, but it had started to revert to its normal brown color from the top of her head down. Hanako stared at it with her mouth open until she heard her bedroom door open.

"I see you're finally awake." Hanako looked up and found a nurse standing at the door frame. She slowly walked up to her and started to check her. She pointed a light in her eyes, and smiled when both pupils contracted. "It appears to me that you're perfectly fine."

"No, I'm not..." Hanako looked up at the nurse with worried eyes.

The nurse was surprised by her words. Hanako never argued with nurses about her well-being. In fact, she always wanted to be discharged as soon as possible. "What do you mean?"

"My hair is black. Why is it black?" she asked seriously.

The nurse stared at her for a moment, and laughed softly. "Oh dear, you really outdid yourself this time, didn't you?" she pat Hanako's head in a motherly gesture. "Shisui-kun told me you overused your Sharingan and collapsed. Your eyes are probably still adjusting to normal, I'm sure you'll be able to see properly in a few hours." She leaned closer to her and muttered, "Your hair is still brown, don't worry, no one dyed it in your sleep."

The nurse smiled one last time at her before walking towards the door. Hanako was astounded. She looked again at her tips, and pressed her lips into a thin line when she realized what the nurse said was true. Her hair was back to its brown color, but she was certain it wasn't the case a few minutes ago.

"Hanako," the nurse called one last time. "Your friends are waiting for you outside. Your clothes are in the closet near the window. Get changed and then you can leave." Hanako nodded with a smile and watched her close the door. Then she looked at herself and frowned at the hospital gown she was wearing.

"These things are so gross."

* * *

Itachi and Shisui were sound asleep, sitting on the floor with their backs leaning against the wall right next to her door. Itachi rested his head on Shisui's shoulder, while Shisui rested his head on top of Itachi's. It was a cute sight, and Hanako smiled. "You both look so cute right now, and I'm drawn to take a picture. Too bad I don't have a camera with me." They both moved. Itachi was the first to wake up.

"Hanako?" He looked up at her with a scrunched face. "How are you?" He stood, earning a glare from Shisui. He had been so comfortable, and now he was in a foul mood after being forced to wake.

"I'm fine," Hanako shrugged with a smile. "How are your backs though? Did you sleep here all night?"

"We were worried about you," Shisui spoke. He straightened himself, humming loudly, and stood up. Hanako looked at the ground. She didn't like people worrying about her, but knowing they did felt strangely good.

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