58 - Carry On

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Later that night, Anna and I were just taking a breath of fresh air outside in the garden, as Julian joined us. "Hey there.", he smiled and leant against the wall next to Anna, "How are you both enjoying the party?" "It's amazing.", I answered and Anna agreed. Julian grabbed her hand and suddenly I just knew what he was about to do. I just had this warm and fuzzy feeling that it was something very special. "Anna? There's actually one more birthday wish I have that hasn't come true yet.", he said. "I'll leave you two to some privacy...", I said and walked a few steps away. Julian's eyes found mine for a split second, sparkling with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It was as if he was trying to say "thank you" for giving the both of them a bit of privacy to enjoy the moment that was about to happen. It seemed like he didn't want me to leave completely though. I could still hear everything he said to her from where I was standing: "Anna? Ever since I met you and Line, I can't help but think about you every day. I really don't wanna get too cheesy, but you mean a whole lot to me. All the time we've spent together so far only makes me wanna get to know you more and more and more. You really have turned my life upside down." "Julian, that's so nice of you to say.", she smiled and he pulled her in close so that she would face him. He gently let his fingers run through her copper hair that was shimmering in the porch lights. Her dress almost seemed to glow. "There's one thing I've always wanted to do, but to be honest, I was so scared of fucking up your life with that. But... I can't go any longer without you... So what I'm trying to say is, would you... like to... be my girlfriend?", he asked and I could see Anna nodding her head, tears of joy in her eyes. Julian pulled her in for a passionate kiss. After a while, they pulled away and I could see both of them gleaming with joy. That's when I decided to walk over to them. "Finally! Congrats, you two.", I smiled and wrapped Anna in a hug. Then I turned to Julian, hugged him as well and said: "I'm so glad you finally decided to ask her, Julian. I'm proud of you." "Thank you for encouraging me, Line. Couldn't have done this without your help.", he answered. "Hey, you knew this all along?", Anna chuckled. "Kind of.", I replied, "That's what you have a best friend for." I proceeded to hug Julian and he said quietly: "Honestly? Thank you so much. You gave me the courage to do so. By keeping up with crazy Martijn and showing me it's possible, just as well as your friendship. It really means a lot. And you were right after all!" "Told you so. But hey, you're so welcome, Julian.", I answered, "Remember what you told me a while back? You're with my best friend that means you're family. The same goes for you." Julian smiled and said: "Martijn and I just got so damn lucky with you two, honestly, I don't even know how we deserve all this." "Just make us proud.", Anna whispered and added: "And you deserve it for moments like these, Julian." I turned to Anna again: "You're absolutely right. But now I'm really gonna leave you two alone for a bit. I'll be inside looking for Martijn. See you later, guys!" Inside, I found Martijn near the DJ booth. Where else would he be on a party like this anyways. He was looking more than handsome all dressed up like that. As he noticed me, he smiled: "Hey there baby." He wrapped an arm around me and then introduced me to the people he was talking to beforehand. I joined their conversation for a while, but finally I got Martijn to myself for a bit. "You'll never guess what happened earlier.", I chuckled. "What?", he wanted to know. "Julian asked Anna out. He fiiiinally made a move.", I smiled. "Really? No way!", he exclaimed, "That is amazing. Let me go look for him..." "Don't you think they deserve a little privacy?", I said and held him back. "Oh true, you're right.", Martijn agreed. "How's your foot holding up so far?"; I wanted to know instead, "I mean, you have the boot and everything, but still I imagine it to be quite exhausting for you." "Don't worry, I'm alright.", he answered and then gently tucked away a strand of my hair, "But I appreciate you caring so much." "Just don't want you to get hurt again.", I replied, not in the mood for a funny comment. I rather just wanted to cuddle up in his arms. "I knooww...", he said, "I'll take care of myself this time, I promise." Then a bunch of his friends came over to us and begged Martijn to come and play a few tunes on the piano so some guys could sing karaoke to it. Martijn laughed and was about to agree, when he suddenly looked over to me as if he was checking in with me. As if he wanted to know if I was okay with him leaving the little moment we just had. Then he suddenly grabbed my hand all determined and smiled: "Come with me, baby." I followed him and his friends over to the piano and leant against the wall next to it while Martijn started to play some of the songs we all grew up with. Some guy I didn't know the name of grabbed the mic and started to sing. He sang terribly, but nobody cared. It didn't have to be perfect this time, tonight was all about enjoying the fun with good people. After he finished the first song, Martijn asked me to come over to him. He smiled at me and just wanted a kiss "so he could carry on". Next time he was done with a song, a kiss wasn't enough anymore: "Baby, wanna come sit on my lap while I play?" "Haha Martijn, you can't even play properly when I sit on your lap.", I laughed and refused. He gave me 'the look', but secretly knew I was right. Therefore, he continued to play a few more songs, until most of the people in the group had turned to other party activities. Then he came back to his earlier idea. "Line, baby, don't move.", he said with a determined smile, "I still love the idea of you sitting on my lap at the piano. I'll just quickly get Louis to take a few pictures for us, okay? You'll be so cute like that." I laughed. Martijn sometimes really came up with the most random ideas and got totally obsessed with them. Most of the times, they came to him when he was around musical instruments. He just felt at ease then. And most of the times, the ideas weren't as bad as they sounded when he would speak them out for the first time. When Martijn finally got back with Louis, I decided to give it a try and hopped on his lap on the piano chair. "Are you sure it's fine with your leg, honey?", I checked back with him. "Of course it is. This leg is fine, I promise.", he reassured me. Then he just started to play again and at first, I was a little lost, not too sure what to do with myself. But then I just pretended like it was only Martijn and myself in the room. I could smell the summer smell of his hair, I watched his chest rise and fall and suddenly I was at peace. I leant my forehead against his and for a second, it was really just us. After a while, Louis tapped Martijn on the shoulder to show us the pictures he took. Martijn's idea was a good one. The pictures had really turned out beautiful, capturing the gentleman in him just as well as the music lover. "Baby, you look gorgeous on these photos.", Martijn remarked. "Thank you.", I answered and gave him a little peck on the cheek before we both got up from the piano chair. Martijn high-fived Louis: "Thanks bro for taking these pictures." "Ahh you're welcome man. I'll edit them and send them to you tomorrow!", he answered. What a beautiful moment we just had. And an amazing night of course.

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