year one: diagon alley

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❛Papa, I've seen that boy before,❜

Remus Lupin sat at his dining room table, the first of September quickly approaching

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Remus Lupin sat at his dining room table, the first of September quickly approaching. He sat reading the Daily Prophet while sipping his hot coffee, while Alfie Lupin-Black sat beside him going through his list of school supplies.

"Alfie, do you want to go to Diagon Alley with your sister and I today?" Remus asked his son, looking over his paper. "We need to finish up school supply shopping."

"Sure, Cormac and Kevin should be there anyway," replied Alfie, getting up from his spot at the table. "Can I go to the ice cream parlor with them while we're there?"

"I don't see a reason why not, as long as you are responsible and well-mannered, which I know that isn't you that I need to worry about," Remus looked behind him, shouting up the stairwell. "Hope! We need to leave soon, I hope you're ready!"

At that very moment, Hope Lupin-Black came sliding down the staircase railing, falling to the floor with a thump. Both her father and brother rushed towards her as she began to laugh. "Don't worry, guys, I'm fine."

The Lupin man narrowed his eyes at his daughter. "Hope James, you know very well how I feel about you and that railing. You could get seriously hurt. Now, come on, eat a muffin so we can get going."

"Man, all those poor professors. They're gonna have you as a student," laughed Alfie, earning a glare from his father. "Too much, huh?"

"At least they're gonna find me entertaining."

"Entertaining? Is that the word we're gonna use?" he raised an eyebrow as he questioned. "I prefer the words expelled or detention."

Remus raised his hand, flicking the two children in the back of the heads gently. "Enough out of you two, Alfie go get into the car. We'll be right out after you."

Hope looked up at her father as she tied her shoes, asking. "Are we getting the rest of my stuff today?"

"Yes, we need to get a wand and robes," he explained, turning around and fully noticing the state of his daughter's hair. "Merlin, Hope, we're going into public. Did you brush your hair today?"

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