➳ III ※ 삼

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「 𝐣𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐣𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 ? 」

Part of me didn't want to believe this and just want to go back to the past. The past where there are; no Jeon Jungkook bugging me, no Nayeon unnie setting up things, and no stares bothering me.

It seems that Jeon Jungkook really is a popular guy. Along with his friends Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, and Kim Taehyung, they are on a group called BTS. It is impossible to not know them but I just did. And now I'm regretting it.

Students-mostly girls,-keep throwing stares at me and I don't like it even one bit. I mean, it isn't that bad to have people looking at you but, when you know that the reason is because of Jeon Jungkook whom, I don't even know much about, it is bad.

However, what bothers me the most was Lisa's comment on the photo. She rarely leaves comments on our pictures and then, a few days ago, she left one and it says, "What is this?" I don't know if it was for me or Jeon Jungkook. For the little time we've been friends, she never told me anything about a Jeon Jungkook so... it's most likely that the comment was for me.

But then again, Jungkook's... fangirls. Haha, I don't know if it's appropriate to call them his fangirls but, that's what they make it look like anyways. Tell you what, it's very cringe. Whenever they see one of the BTS boys, their personalities turns to a full 180°. Oh, and they're so noisy that it's making me doubt myself how I haven't noticed Jungkook and his friends since the first day.

Class is barely survivable. Apparently, Jeon Jungkook claimed to be my seatmate and stole a classmate's seat. And, he just doesn't stop looking at me. He also pokes me on my cheeks and sides literally every freakin' second that my patience has dropped real low.

When he, for the hundredth time, pokes me on my cheek, I finally snapped and angrily glared at the bunny boy. "Jeon Jungkook, I swear if you don't stop-"

"What are you going to do about it?" He asks, giving me his bunny smile. My glare slowly dissipates and, unknowingly, my lips form a smile as well. For some reason unknown to me, every time I see that bunny smile of his, it just makes me... melt. It has been the 33rd time he gave me that bunny smile of his in 2 hours. Yes, 2 hours.

However, I put my angry facade back up and threatened, "I'm going to throw you out the window." Okay, that was stupid. How can I tell him something like that when I can't even do it? What's even more stupid is thinking that he'll actually stop.

When I looked away, he starts mumbling things. Truth be told, I didn't care but one of them sounded like "You're so cute." Though I didn't react to it, Chaeyoung happened to be passing by our tables with a weirded out expression.

"Oh my God, stop." She rolls her eyes and jokingly continues by saying, "You shouldn't flirt during class, you know?"

With a pout, I crossed my arms and defensively replies. "It was him!"

Chaeyoung smirks only to be teasing me even further. "Ohh... sure, but why are you enjoying it?" Gosh, can my unnies stop? I doubt I show off even a single hint of enjoyment in my face!

"I'm not!" Due to annoyance with her, I averted my gaze and focused it on something else that isn't her NOR Jungkook. Who influenced Chae to be like this and why did Chae agree to it?

"You like him don't you~?"

Oh my God, someone save me.


"So how have you all been?" Jisoo unnie asked taking a sip from her drink. I was evidently not in the mood for chatting and I'm glad the others can see it.

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