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Jeon Jungkook is with Chou Tzuyu.

Arcade date ♥️

Arcade date ♥️

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↳Chou Tzuyu: it wasn't a date
↳Jeon Jungkook: it was supposed to be a date 🥺
↳Park Jimin: Lol @Jeon Jungkook.
↳Park Chaeyoung: Tzukook is happening!!
↳Im Nayeon: kids these days


"AHHH~ You two are so cute together!!!" Nayeon unnie squealed, very opposite to the words she posted online on her comment. I stayed silent and continued staring at the post, taking in how Jungkook and I looked together.

It wasn't a date because she stepped in, I thought to myself. It's not bothering me but it's also not not bothering me. It's like I care but at the same time, I don't. And that also adds to the list of things I'm being bothered at.

"Are you not going to eat your food?"

"Oh," was the only thing I could say. I put down my phone on the table and stared at my food. It's unsurprisingly untouched.

"You know, you can admit that you like him," Jeongyeon unnie says. I looked at her, trying to think of a good response just so that I can make it seem like I pretty much don't have any feelings for Jungkook at all, because I don't. And I am sure.

I couldn't think of anything else so, I said, "you can also admit that you like Jimin, you know?"

Her eyes slightly widened, she shouted, "What the hell Tzuyu?!" She rolled her eyes, obviously denying her feelings to us and to herself. Typical.

"Ooh, so Jimin and Jeongyeon is a thing now huh," Sana unnie teases, adding little heart gestures with her hands. I laughed along with the others. This is why you don't comment during boy-talks, you get dragged in.

"As if you and Taehyung doesn't have a thing too," Jeongyeon unnie replied back, feeling victorious as she recovered from getting flustered. And as fhey exchanged a few more words, I started to take a small amount of my dinner.

"I never said we didn't have anything!"

"But, do you?"



I sighed as I watched them argue while the others tease the both of them for having crushes on Taehyung and Jimin. I'm not that tall but I never expected Jeongyeon unnie to like someone... someone small? It isn't a bad thing though.

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