➳ XIV ※ 십사

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"No, Sana unnie. You're not supposed to mix those," I said.

It was a good thing that Jin oppa and the others went back early because if they didn't, I would've died because of awkwardness. Jungkook asked me if I was being jealous of Lisa.

Well, of course I wasn't! So, I told him no but he didn't seem convinced. So he asked and asked about it and I kept saying no until he stopped and now we're not talking anymore. Not that I care.

"How do I do this thing then?" She asks, quite overwhelmed and confused.

"You need to mix the flour with that," I said as I pointed to the bowl she was holding. While we're baking here, Jihyo and Jeongyeon unnie are cleaning the living room. Namjoon oppa and the others are thinking of what we would do for later.

"How about you mix this?" she asks Taehyung oppa. Taehyung oppa just looked at her and before he could even say anything, Sana unnie already handed him the bowl. He just accepted to do it and not complain.

"Why aren't the two of you talking?" she asks.

I avoided my gaze on Jungkook and went to the counter from the other side of the kitchen. I didn't answer Sana unnie's question and neither did Jungkook.

"And now you're avoiding each other?" Taehyung oppa adds, "Definitely sus."

"What do you want us to do?" Jungkook asks, a little sadness can be heard from his voice.

"Is it really like that when couples have LQ's?" Taehyung oppa whispered to Sana unnie. He whispered yet I still heard-what a bad attempt at hiding.

"I don't know," Sana unnie replies as she innocently gets a pack of chocolate chips and hands it to Taehyung oppa.

"Can you ask more... quietly?" I asked, finding the right term to not hurt Jungkook and not offend Taehyung oppa at the same time.

Taehyung oppa looked a little surprised but then smiled and said, "Sure!"

I looked at Jungkook, he looked back at me. We just stared at each other, again, just like in the living room before.

"Why can't the two of you just talk?" Sana unnie asks.

"No," I coldly said. I know that if I talked to him, he'd just ask me if I'm jealous and wouldn't be convinced with my answer.

I washed my hands in the sink and then dried my hands, then removed the apron I was wearing. I kind of want to go back to the living room and see what the others are doing right now.

At the same time, I wanna talk with Jungkook too though. But, he can't seem to understand me or... whatever.

I can see Jungkook approaching Taehyung oppa as I exited the kitchen. Instead of going to the living room, I went to my bedroom instead.

As I went up the stairs, I saw Jimin oppa annoying Namjoon oppa. They're outside Jeongyeon unnie's room.

"What are the two of you doing?" I asked.

Jimin oppa looked shocked from seeing me while Namjoon oppa looked calm and a little relieved. Namjoon oppa was about to say something but Jimin oppa shushed him by forcing a bread in his mouth. Where did the bread come from?

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