➳ XV ※ 십오

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why do "birds"
suddenly appear?

"What movie are we going to watch?" Chaeyoung asked.

Nayeon unnie arranged us so Taehyung oppa can sit next to Sana unnie, Jeongyeon unnie next to Jimin oppa, and of course, me next to Jungkook. Classic Nayeon unnie. Very predictable.

The others sat next to each other normally while me and Jungkook literally took a whole sofa to occupy. He's on the end of the sofa and I'm on the other end of the sofa. No one wanted to sit between us, none of us complained anyways.

"I think it's a horror movie."

I was supposed to talk to him and tell him that I was being jealous of Lisa but, I just can't seem to do it. What if he unlikes me because I'm being jealous of such a small thing? There isn't even an us. Why am I even being jealous?! As much as I hate to admit it, I think everyone else was right about me being jealous.

It's annoying in a way.

"What horror movie?" Dahyun unnie asked.

"Change of plans, let's watch a romance movie," Jihyo unnie said.

I don't really care that much if they're going to watch a horror or a romance movie because I don't think I'm gonna pay that much attention.

"Ugh, let's just watch a horror one!"


"Okay, fine," Jihyo unnie gave up. I feel like she's not in the mood to watch a horror movie today.

"Let's watch 'It'," Dahyun unnie suggested.

I haven't watched it yet so, sure why not. And like I said, I won't pay much attention.

Yoongi oppa stayed quiet in his seat while Hoseok oppa is busy with his phone, same as Dahyun unnie. Jeongyeon unnie and Jihyo unnie went to the kitchen to get some popcorn.

Sana unnie and Taehyung oppa are talking to each other, both smiling. Momo unnie is also busy with her phone, talking to her boyfriend probably. How sweet.

Chaeyoung is talking to Mina unnie, Nayeon unnie is talking to Jin oppa. Namjoon oppa is also busy with his phone.

And Jungkook and I? We're not doing anything, just looking at each other, again. It seems like we both don't have a plan to talk to each other.

"Hey-" Namjoon oppa was about to say something when the doorbell rang. He then went to the door to open it and see who it was.

"Oh, Hi Namjoon!" Someone who sounded like Jennie, or maybe it really is Jennie, said.

"Hi, Jennie," Namjoon oppa greeted back.

I immediately knew that Jennie is with Lisa, Jisoo and Rose. Of course. It's not like I don't like seeing them but after everything that has happened between Lisa and Jungkook and I, I feel like there's an invisible... something.

"Hi Chaeyoung!" Rose ran towards Chaeyoung, gave her a hug and greeted Mina unnie while doing so.

Jennie chatted a little with Namjoon oppa. She also asked where Jihyo unnie is and went to the kitchen.

And Lisa? Do we even need to wonder what she did? Of course not.

"Hi Kookie~"

She sat beside Jungkook. I looked at Jungkook, he didn't seem to have noticed it. I saw how his frown slowly turn into a smile. I saw how happy the both of them looked like.

I just sighed and just played with my phone. My heart kind of felt like it dropped. Just a little though. I can feel Chaeyoung, Nayeon unnie and Sana unnie looking at me, aware of my sighs.

Soon, Jihyo unnie and Jeongyeon unnie returned to the living room along with Jennie. I looked at Jihyo and Jeongyeon unnie, and they both gave me a worried look. I just gently shook my head and mouthed a 'no'.

"Let's start the movie..." Jin oppa awkwardly says.

They started the movie. I stood up to get some popcorn to make it atleast enjoyable. When I went back to my seat, Jungkook and Lisa is still happily talking to each other, not even pausing to atleast watch the movie for a little bit. Again, not like I care.

"Remember that time when we went to the bookstore?" Lisa asked Jungkook.

"Of course," Jungkook replied.

"You onow the cafe that we went to? I went back there today and they asked me why I wasn't with my boyfriend," Lisa said and laughed a little.

"So they mistook me as your boyfriend?" Jungkook also laughed.

I am definitely not being jealous. It's normal for people to mistake friends as couples.

"Can you two talk a little more quietly?" Jimin oppa said.

I sighed again and just watched, focusing on watching the movie as much as I can. Though, I can still hear the two of them talking.

After a few minutes, I finished eating my popcorn so I stood up and returned the bowl on the table.


I looked at Sana unnie. Sana unnie then pointed to something. I tried to follow it. I thought she was pointing to the plant just next to me but then I realized she was pointing to Lisa and Jungkook.

Lisa is sleeping and is resting her head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Oh," was my only reaction.

I don't know. I shouldn't be feeling this way or acting this way. But, It kind of hurt me a little and I really feel like I can't stand the two of them anymore.

So, I just went to the kitchen without a word. Maybe I can just wait for the cookies to bake? I sat on a chair. My phone then made a ding! sound.

I checked my phone. It said,

Myoui Mina sent you a message.


Myoui Mina

Are you okay?

Yoda Yoda


Chaeng and I can go
to the kitchen

You can tell us

Yoda Yoda
No, really, I'm fine


I feel so tired, I don't know why. Maybe because we've been practicing for the festival? I don't really know.

I feel like ever since Jungkook and Lisa knew about my feelings, it just got worse. I often get jealous, I get a little mad on Jungkook even when he didn't even do anything wrong.

Staring into space made me realize I'm just being unreasonable. Hah.


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