➳ XI ※ 십일

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「 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 」

con·fused /kənˈfyo͞ozd/ - adjective. unable to think clearly; Chou Tzuyu.


"Jihyo unnie, can we talk?"

She looked up, she was giving me a curious look. I just gave her a look, a look that says i need help. She finished stacking the plates beside the sink and walked towards me.

"You need help?" She asks.

"Well, yes." I looked around, making sure that no one would be able to hear the conversation I'm gonna have with unnie. Only when I am certain had I started talking.

"I'm confused, Jihyo unnie."


Even though the question is really simple, it took me some time to get the word out of my mouth. "Him."

"Him?" she paused, processing. "Oh, him. Jung-"

"Shh," I shushed Jihyo unnie. It's okay for us to talk about Jungkook but, I don't want us to say his name just in case the others will hear about what we're talking about.

"Sorry." She gave me an apologetic smile and spoke again. "What about him?"

"It's like, I don't care about him but I care about him." This was my best attempt as to not sound crazy yet it still sounds pretty crazy to me.

"Oh, very Tzuyu like."

"Unnie!" I gave her a panicked look. Jihyo unnie just shrugs and says, "Okay, continue."

"And, remember when Nayeon unnie said that Lisa has feelings for him?"

"Oh, you heard that?" She looked like she didn't expect me to know about that but at the same time she does. Glad I'm not the only confusing one here.

"What should I do, Jihyo unnie?" I asked her.

"Well, what do you feel about him?"

"I don't really know. I feel like I don't really care about him but I do. Whenever Lisa interrupts our conversation, I find it annoying and the way she says Kookie... it makes me a little annoyed. I find myself looking at him for no reason at all. But, I don't really know."

A short silence rose around the room as Jihyo unnie stayed wordless. I couldn't really bring myself to say another word as I already felt embarrassed enough letting out my feelings like that.

"That's okay. You've only talked for weeks right? No need to rush. Take your time to figure out your feelings for him. True love waits." She gave me a very sweet smile and hugged me. "But, from what I have heard, I think you like him."

"I don't really know, unnie!" I frowned a little. "I feel like if ever that I told him soon that I like him when I'm not really sure, I'm going to regret it. And I'm going to hurt him."

"That's true." I hugged her tighter and sighed right after she said those.

"What is Love?"

"UNFAIR!" Nayeon unnie suddenly shouted from behind.

"YOU TWO HUGGED WITHOUT ME!" She yelled as she ran towards us and joined in in the hug.

Soon, there's nine of us hugging in the kitchen. Maybe this is love. But not that kind of love I'm talking about though. This is family love and most importantly, gay love. Just kidding. Lol.


"We'll have to prepare something for the concert in the next month. I think the best choice is to make a new song," JYP said.

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