➳ XIII ※ 십삼

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"Oh! Hi, Jungkook," Jihyo unnie greeted him with a surprised look. I guess she wasn't expecting to see him. But bu hearing the name 'Jungkook', almost everyone also took a peek at the door.

"... and company," Jihyo unnie happily added when Namjoon oppa and Jungkook's other hyungs appeared behind him.

"Hi, Jihyo noona!" Jungkook cheerfully greeted as he exchanged smiles with her.

"What made you visit here?" Jihyo unnie asked. However, Jungkook didn't need to answer at all as Jihyo unnie didn't even bother to listen as she seemed to have understood already. Was it because of me? Oh. Why am I assuming?

"Come in."

The seven of them sat on the couch. Namjoon oppa turned the TV on while Jeongyeon unnie went to the kitchen to get some drinks.

Sana unnie and Chaeyoung unnie went to the other couch so I went along with them. As I did, I felt Jungkook's stare at me. It's like he wants to say something but couldn't. Or maybe not.

He then whispered something to Jimin oppa. Jimin oppa nodded and went to the kitchen. He shouted, "You take so long!!!" which, I think, is for Jeongyeon unnie.

And annoyingly, the said unnie then replied by shouting, "YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN IT YOURSELF THEN!"

Sana unnie and I looked at each other and laughed. Judging from unnie's actions and behavior, I feel like she's waiting for Taehyung oppa to approach her.

For no reason at all, I looked at Jungkook for about 5 seconds or maybe a second longer. As if he knew I was taking a look, he turned towards my direction and looked back at me, straight in the eye.

We just stared at each other like that.

"Just talk to each other, you two," Nayeon unnie suggests as she playfully rolled her eyes. I laughed inside because she looked funny but I can't show that I wanted to laugh because I'm still staring at Jungkook. I am gonna win whatever staring contest this is.

"No, wait, picture first!" shouted Jihyo unnie. She rushed to her pocket to take her phone out and I, of course, reacted to her by quickly giving her a glare but that obviously didn't stop her. She still took pictures.

"They look so cute!" Chaeyoung unnie commented. I almost smiled but I stopped myself from doing it. I just can't, not in front of Jungkook.

I'm a little mad at Jungkook. It's not exactly mad though. I just really don't like him being around Lisa nor Lisa being around him. Lisa and I may be good friends but it's just a no.

Even if I wanted to tell Jungkook that I feel that way, I feel like I'ts going to be the death of me. It's too embarrassing and It's not like I have the right to be mad. But still, the term really isn't mad. I just can't seem to find the right word.

"Let's do something fun today!" Momo unnie suggested. Everyone's heads turned towards her, waiting for a specific suggestion.

"We could bake, or go outside and swim," she added. I looked outside through the window, I'm a little worried about my skin. The sun is shining so it's really hot. Or maybe I'm just exaggerating.

"Let's bake first!" Sana unnie yelled. The boys were a little confused. I mean, I would be too like, you just got into someone's house and when you're supposed to rest or chill someone suddenly shouts "let's bake!" and I don't even have that much experience in baking.

"Okay, but, what should we bake?"

"Cookies," I blurted out.

"Oooh, someone wants Kookie..." Jimin oppa teased. I gave him a glare and he quickly said, "I meant Kookies."

Everyone laughed. I took a quick glimpse at Jungkook but got caught. He's already looking at me with the adorable smile of his.

"Let's get some ingredients first!" Jin oppa said. He stood up and talked with Jihyo unnie and Jeongyeon unnie for a while.

I then remembered that my mom actually owns a cafe in Taiwan. I kind of wanted to go back there in Taiwan but I have to finish my studies first and maybe also find out what I want to be.

"Hey, Tzu."

His voice sent me chills.

I slowly looked up at him and gave him the most blank face I could ever make. By seeing my face, his expression saddened a little.


"Are you mad?"

"No," I answered. I turned the other way so I won't have to face him.



"Are you sure?"




"I can't understand, Juwi." He gave me a little pout. That pout made me wanna tell all the things that I felt right now.

"Okay, I am."

"Why?" you can see worry and nervousness in his face. He tried to think about what he did.

"Is it about Lisa?"

"No," I lied.



"I thought you were mad because of Lisa."


"So you are," he said in a matter of fact tone.


"I– wait, what?"


"It's about Lisa?"

"W–what? N-no, that's not–"

"Tzuyu, are you being jealous?"

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