➳ VIII ※ 팔

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Days have passed since the day Miss Taeyeon asked us for ideas for the festival evaluation. We're going to start planning today for the characters of the plays which are actually just a bunch of Disney movies. The festival will last for a week so we decided to have the plays from Wednesday to Friday and then the mini concert on Saturday and Sunday.

After our last period, my classmates and I stayed at our homeroom to discuss more about the projects-specifically the plays we will make adaptions of. Cinderella, Snow White, and Frozen. Those were the movies that everyone pretty much agreed on.

"So now, we're going to pick out people who's going to act," Miss Taeyeon said. She pulled out a notebook from her bag and started writing.

"We're going to show a different play per day and... I think we'll need people from other sections and levels."

"Let's start with Cinderella. Who will be- actually, nevermind. Let's talk about this with other students from other sections."

"But, miss Taeyeon, we need to take care of this now," said Jungkook. I looked at him with little curiosity. He noticed it and smiled at me. I gave him back a small smile.

I forgot to mention that days have also passed with me sometimes talking with Jungkook and with Lisa always butting in our conversation. There was not a single conversation of me with Jungkook WITHOUT having Lisa to butt in and dragging Jungkook out.

It's not like I care but, isn't it a little disrespectful for me?

"Fine then, I'll leave you in charge of casting. And, focus on one play first." And with that, Miss Taeyeon rushed out of the room. She might have had very important business to leave Jungkook in charge.

Jungkook went in front and asked, "Hehe, so, let's start with Cinderella. Who's going to play Lady Tremaine, the stepmother?"

"But Jungkook, we don't have a prince and a Cinderella yet."

"Oh," Jungkook smiled smugly and looked at me, "that's easy. I'll be the prince." He wrote 'Prince - Jungkook'

I swear to God Jihyo, I would've been deaf forever if I hadn't covered my ears with my hands. The squeals and yells and screams. Gosh.

"I wanna be Cinderella!"
"Let me be Cinderella!!"
"What? No! I'll be Cinderella!"

"Guys, calm down!" Jungkook said and the girls immediately shut up. The boys remained silent.

"We already have a Cinderella," Jungkook announced.

At that very moment, I wanted to get eaten by the ground. They all looked at me as if it was so obvious that I am Cinderella. We didn't even talk about this! I don't have any idea about this!

"CHOU TZUYU!!!" Chaeyoung shouted.

"What?! No!" I yelled.

"No can do," Jungkook smiled and wrote 'Cinderella - Tzuyu' on the board. Some of the boys complained a little. Some of the girls awed and some said they should've been Cinderella.

I swear I will kill you Jeon Jungkook.

When he turned around, I glared at him. I am Chou Tzuyu, no one can just give me a role without warning me. Not even Jeon Jungkook can.

"So, Tzuyu will be Ella or Cinderella. Who will be Anastasia and Drizella? Oh and the stepmother?"

"Let Jihyo be the Godmother!" Chaeyoung suggested. Jihyo unnie is pretty famous here in the campus so having her on our play will be a good idea. And atleast, having Jihyo unnie as my Godmother will make the play less hate-able.

"That's good, that's good."

"How about Lisa and Yeri as Anastasia and Drizella?" Sakura said. Yeri shouted a "What?!" and everyone laughed. We, I mean they, managed to convince Yeri to be Anastasia.

"What about Lady Tremaine?"

"Joy is pretty tall," Yeri said. "I could ask her to be the stepmother."

"It's settled then," Jungkook said. "We'll just need to talk about the scriptwirters, directors and whatsoever."

"Chaeyoung can be the scriptwriter." I just had to payback Chaeng in any way I can. Much to my dismay, she happily agreed.

"The director? Oh- Suga!!" Jungkook cut himself off. "You can now go home, bye!" Jungkook ran towards his chair (which is right beside me) and grabbed his bag.

I picked up my bag too and was about to head out but Jungkook stopped me. I am still annoyed so I continued walking. He caught up to me and asked me, "Hey Tzu, let's go to an arcade!"








"Come on, Tzuuu," he pleaded.

Thankfully, Jeongyeon unnie and Momo unnie was walking around the campus so I went to them and asked if I could go with them.

"Sure, we're gonna go to the-"

"Hi Jeongyeon and Momo, is it alright if I can go with Tzuyu to the arcade?"

Jeongyeon unnie and Momo unnie looked at me and I facepalmed. I finally gave in and agreed to go with Jungkook to the arcade.

"Hey, Tzuyu!" I heard someone call. I turned around to see who it was. It was Mingyu.

"Oh, hi Mingyu."

"I heard that you and Jungkook will go to the arcade. Can I tag along?"

"Mingyu, It's a date," Jungkook said with a little hint of annoyance in his voice.

"No, it's not."

"I'll tag along then, let's go Tzuyu!" he then held my hand and ran.

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