➳ XVII ※ 십칠

980 51 12

can't sleep

"We should start cleaning up," Jeongyeon unnie says as she stands up from the couch.

"Yeah, we should."

The night went by quickly as they did strange things. Taehyung oppa had to close and open the refrigerator 16 times and he had to show a stylish pose each time he opens it. Jisoo unnie had to imitate each one of us and make us guess who she is imitating until someone guesses it correctly. They purposely said the wrong names...

And as expected, the room became a mess. There are fruit loops in one corner while cornflakes on the other corner. There's also a banana on the ground, let's just hope no one steps on it.

"Mina and Chaeyoung, go get a small plastic bag and clean all these cereals," Jeongyeon unnie instructed.

"Why do you have so many cereals anyways?" asked Rose.

"I don't know. I don't even know where the boys found it."

"Ahhh, today was so fun!" Nayeon unnie commented.

"Hmm, because of Jin?" Jihyo unnie teases, making Nayeon unnie give her a look. She then pouts and just sighs.

Jeongyeon unnie interrupts the two by saying, "Just continue cleaning!"

I don't know if it's just me but Jeongyeon unnie seems to be more interested in Nayeon unnie and Jin oppa. Probably because the two of them are the closest.

Given that there were a lot of us cleaning, it only took us a few minutes to make the room look like how it was before the mess. Also with the help of the very great cleaning master, Jeongyeon unnie.

It's a sleepover but the boys are going to sleep in the living room, of course. The thought of them sleeping with us seems... weird. Lisa and Rosé are staying with us maknaes while Jennie stays with Nayeon unnie and Jisoo unnie will be with Jihyo unnie.

I took a quick glance at Jungkook and saw that he has changed his shirt too. How can he have two extra shirts? Plus, what will he wear tomorrow when they leave?

"Don't stare too much, Tzu," Chaeyoung teased. I scoffed and looked at her and said, "I wasn't staring."

"Really?" She laughs, clearly not convinced with my answer. To be fair, if I was her, I wouldn't be convinced, too.

"Gguk, catch," I heard Namjoon oppa say as he throws a box of what seemed like banana milk. And that was the last of what I heard before we went upstairs to sleep.

We didn't bother to say our goodnights to each other anymore. I also don't feel the need to, it's not the end of the world and I'll see them tomorrow. However, part of me slightly debated whether or not I should've said goodnight to- nevermind.

━━━━━ 10 : 54 PM  ━━━━━

"We should sleep," Dahyun unnie says and walks towards the lamp to turn it off. After, she goes to sleep right away. Chaeyoung and I agreed to share my bed so that Lisa and Rosé can sleep on Chaeyoung's bed.

"Yeah, we should."

I closed my eyes letting myself sleep and get some rest.

━━━━━ 11: 13 PM  ━━━━━

I thought I was already sleeping. Turns out I was just closing my eyes. My brain is betraying me. It's thinking about too much things.

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