➳ IV ※ 사

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「 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭 」

"I'm sorry but, I'm leaving," I announced. I couldn't handle it anymore. The two of them talking and giggling annoy me more than Jungkook alone annoys me. It's not like I care but, it's just... I don't even know. I just don't like it.

"What?" Jungkook suddenly turned around to face me. He had this little pout on his face as if he's begging for me to stay. Well, I would've loved to stay if only he weren't only talking with Lisa all the time, right? I mean, ugh.

Wait- what?! Did I just say that? What is wrong with me today? First, I don't reply to Jungkook 'cause I know he's just constantly going to bug me but now that he's just in front of me, and actually not annoying me for once, I get mad?

As I rolled my eyes, I simply asked, "Why?"

"I'll go with you," he answers. What? Why would he want to come with me? I gave him a what the hell look and he gave me a bunny smile. Gosh, what exactly is going on in this boy's mind?

But the thought of him going with me somehow made my heart flutter. It lowkey made me happy. I don't know why. Maybe I just don't want to go home or out alone. Or maybe I just really wanted company even if that company will annoy me like heck.

"Aww, come on, say yes Tzu!" Jihyo unnie cheered. I looked around, everyone was looking at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. I could feel that every one of them wanted me to say yes except... when I looked at Lisa who looks like she's against it.

As much as I wanted to say no, I said yes. Being with him isn't that bad. Poking my cheeks and sides is all he's gonna do anyway. Somehow, the idea of me being with Jungkook crossed my mind. But I shooed the thought. There's no way we're going to be together. No way.

"Really?! Yay!" He sounded so happy that it made me feel good about saying yes. But only a little. Even though I rolled my eyes while I exited the shop, I was secretly refraining myself from smiling. Immediately after, he followed me behind carrying two drinks. Turns out I forgot my drink.

The first minutes of our walk were silent but I was glad that he started asking me questions. But of course, I responded like the annoyed girl that I am.

"Heeey, Tzu," Jungkook called out as he tried matching my fast pace of walking. I didn't turn around, I just asked quite quietly, "What?"

"How long have you lived with your girls?" Gosh, I reckoned he was going to irritate the heck out of me again by poking my cheeks and sides. I'm really thankful he didn't.

While recalling how I and my unnies met, I gave him an unsure response. "Uhm... I've only moved in at the dorm a month before the start of the school year which was 2 months ago."

"What do you call your group again?"

"TWICE," I said, smiling at the thought of me and my unnies together. My unnies have been there for me no matter what and I'm very grateful for that. They helped me with everything and made me their beloved maknae.

Since he was getting left behind, he ran to catch up to me and asked, "How can you possibly not know me, Chou Tzuyu?"

Why is he asking so many questions? I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, "Do I look like I care about other people?"

He frowned a little and searched for words to say. After a few seconds, he says, "You do." Wow, he's really different, huh?

"Okay, maybe I do. But, I don't care about others most of the time." Do I though? Of course, I mostly care about my unnies but other than them I don't. Unless something worrying happens to a person in front of me.

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