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Ok, so the description covered most of it, so if you didn't read it go do that! But one more thing! You don't have to just request on this page. You can request in the comment section on any chapter. That being said, I will try my best to cover everything. If I am behind, I will let you know.  Now, let's say hello to our characters!

Swap: tra la la! Hello humans! I am excited to meet you all and to answer any questions you may have!

Fell: tch, ask whatever I guess. But if I don't like the question, I will not answer! Got that?

Dings: sigh… ask your questions, just don't take too long, i have work to do.

Stars: you may ask whatever you want, but Fell is right(though he could have been nicer about it) if the question is a little prying, we may chose to not answer, but we will let you know if we are uncomfortable!

B: do what you wish...

Maestro: hmm, I suppose thou may ask what thou wants.

SwapFell: why of course! I shall be sure to pleasure you *gets hit by pan* rude

Ok well that's all! You may begin! (They don't know that they are doing one shots too btw)

Ask\ one shot book of the gaster gangWhere stories live. Discover now