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taehyung was finishing up his youtube video for the channel.

"...and that's why you should never trust a boy who looks like a wannabe tiktoker! thank you bad bitches so very much for watching and i'll catch you later! duces, xoxo!"

once he had finished his outro he threw up his iconic V sign and shut off the camera. he would give the video to jin to edit and upload later.

just as he closed his laptop and turned off the bright ring lights, jimin walked in; looking distressed.

"taehyung! are you dumb?!", he began as he sat on taehyung's bed on the other side of the room.

"umm, no? is that the right answer?", he was genuinely confused, oh gosh what have i done this time.

jimin faceplamed. "the selfie you posted!"

taehyung just looked at jimin emptily, still baffled.

jimin sighed and rubbed his temples. "it has me in the backround! looking like a mess! you could've warned me about it and i wouldn't have unintentially photobombed you!"

tae looked at jimin with an 'are you serious' face and said, "that's it? i thought i fucked something up badly again! you worried me!"

jimin kinda felt bad that tae automatically thought he'd done something terrible. "i'm sorry taetae, it's just, you know how i feel about bad selfies."

"yeah, i know. sorry jiminie," he chuckles softly, "do i have to delete it?"

jimin sighed, "no, i guess not. i'll let it slide since it's a really cute pic of you, people love it! you lil angel," he poked tae's cheek.

taehyung flashed his boxy smile at his bestfriend. he really was more like his soulmate. the two were inseperable and felt that they would be for the rest of their days.

~time skip~

about two hours later of just tae and jimin hanging out, seokjin came back to their shared apartment. he walked into tae's room.

"hey babies!"

"big bro!", taehyung ran and hugged jin like a teddy bear.

"hey, jinnie!", jimin said from the comfort of taehyung's beanbag.

"hey guys, what've you been doing all day?", jin questioned.

"well, taehyung filmed a video for you to edit, i was just picking outfits for that photoshoot on saturday while he was doing that and then we just chilled in here for a couple hours."

"okay, cool. i'll edit the video before i sleep tonight. you can show me and tae those outfit's later, let's just chill for now."

"okie dokie", said taehyung as he jumped into his bed and jin followed behind him and layed with tae's head in his lap, stroking his soft hair like a mother would.


•443 words
•not proof-read
•this was just a quick chapter to show the dynamic of their friendship and also just a filler since i know what i'm doing for when they meet the other two groups, i just wanna draw it out a bit since i don't want a big event to happen within the first three chapters since they're short♡.

peace out xoxo,


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