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yoongi was so fed up. he was stressing over his pending mixtape, agust d. he'd been working on it non-stop for months. his un-genetically-related brother, namjoon, was lowkey worried about him at this point since he'd been locked in the studio. yoongi's time in the studio had been spent working for 68% of the time, stressing 12% of the time, eating for 7% and sleeping for about 13%.

he started off being stuck on the track titled 'the last', deciding if he wanted to share so much of his personal life with his growing audience and he also kept going back to tweak the beat over and over again, insisting that there was "something missing".

he had now finished that track and he was relieved... until he listened through the whole mixtape. he again insisted that there was "something missing". this time though, it wasn't just a quick tweak for a single track, he had told namjoon that it needed a whole new song.

that's why he ended up in the state he was now in. bags under his eyes, hadn't showered in five days, hair disheveled, eyes unblinking for about thirtyseven seconds at a time.

mistakes had obviously been made.

another mistake being, not locking his door. why do i say this? well, it's because namjoon came bursting in after about three milliseconds.

"dude, you finally unlocked your door! i thought you died and was slowly decomposing in here, fucking hell."

"mgh", yoongi just grunted in response.

"bro, you look like wreck. have you slept the past five days you were locked in here?"





"nuh uh."

"well that sounds tremendously healthy, now doesn't it!" ,namjoon yelled sarcastically before he let out an exasperated sigh and flopped onto the couch next to yoongi's desk.

"you need to stop overworking yourself like this, you know that right? this behaviour isn't healt-"

"yeah, i know that. going without food or sleep for five days doesn't really sound healthy, does it? i'm not a fucking idiot." ,yoongi rolled his eyes and sighed, irritated.

"you sure? cuz you're acting like it! if you WERE smart, you would know that working with no energy and an empty stomach is gonna get NOTHING done! look yoongs, i know you're trying to get this done and i'm okay with you working hard on it but you need to stop exhausting yourself like this. trust me, it's not worth it."

yoongi just sighed, not irritated this time, just defeated. he knew that namjoon was 100% right but he just didn't want to believe it.

"i know, okay? i know. you're right, i just... i dunno man." ,he rubbed his face with his hands, raked his fingers through his faded hair and slumped into his spinny chair.

"talk to me brother."

"i'm trying to finish the final track but... i dunno, there's something missing i guess."

namjoon laughed, "it seems that's all you ever say these days."

yoongi chuckled, "yeah i guess... i just... i dunno, it needs another voice. the whole tape is just me aside from the feature on tony montana... i need a refreshing sound."

namjoon nodded his head slowly, understanding what he meant. "maybe it needs some vocals? or maybe it needs a female voice to change it up a bit?"

yoongi clicked his fingers and spun around in his chair, "that's it. thanks joon, now to the next dilema."

"ugh, what next?"

"who the fuck am i gonna find to sing on this track who is preferably a female?"

"i've got no idea hyung, all i know is that you stink and you're probably tired and hungry so ,if i was you, i'd get my ass in the shower, get some food in my system, then sleep for like three days."

"i mean maybe not three days ,although i would be capable of it, that does sound like a good idea."

"i know, that's why i suggested it, now get you're flat grandpa ass outa this room before i drag you myself. i'm locking you out of this studio for at least a week."

yoongi just smiled at his friend, silently thanking him for being the only person he really loved in this world. as a brother of course. thinking about joon in any other way made him wanna throw up his lunch that he hadn't eaten.

he chuckled softly, "alright. although, that means i'm actually gonna have to be socially concious and aware of society which sounds like a lot of work that i'm too tired for."

"well then you better rest up brother," joon put a firm hand on his hyungs shoulder before pushing him into the bathroom, "now take a shower, you smell like satan's ass cheeks." then he shut the door and walked away, but not quick enough to miss yoongi's final laugh and words.

"gee, thanks."

•814 words
•not proof-read or edited
•been a while so i thought i would update \_(°-°)_/
•next chapter will be actual story and possibly some tweets??
•if you're reading this right now ily <3

peace out xoxo,


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