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taehyung woke up ten minutes later, still in jeongguk's arms.


"oh hey, you're up, hobi wanted to see you."

"really? why?"

"not sure, he didn't say but he seemed on-edge so i'm guessing it's pretty important."

"oh alright, well i'll go to him now."


taehyung went to get up but jeongguk's arms were still tightly wrapped around him, pulling him back down.

"umm, gguk?"


"can you... let go?"

"o-oh yeah s-sorry."

taehyung smiled at jeongguk, who's ears were bright red, and left the room to go see hoseok.

he knocked lightly, rubbing his sleepy eyes with his other hand.

"come in."

tae walked in to see hoseok laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. he walked over to him and layed next to him on the bed.

"what's up bro, you seem sad."

"well... i wanted to talk to you about something that's kinda important... i'm not sure how you'll take it but you're my best bet so i'm telling you anyway."

"go on..."

"well i'm not sure how else to say this so i'll just say it."

it was silent for a few seconds.

"i have a crush on yoongi."


"...and jimin."

more silence.


"now listen okay, i know what you're thinking, but hear me out-"



"well... i don't know if i'm allowed to tell you this cuz jimin might kill me but he came into my room crying two days ago..."

this caught hoseok's attention.

"huh? why?"

"well, him and yoongi had a fight... yoongi was mad at him because..."

"because... go on?"

"because he saw jimin staring at you..."

hoseok was thouroughly shocked. he noticed jimin watching him a lot while they were filming the videos but he thought he was just watching his dance moves or admiring his makeup that tae did. he didn't think he was checking him out...


"yeah... jimin told yoongi that he was kinda into you and yoongi obviously didn't feel too good about that. i mean, if you've been simping after a guy and he's been showing that he likes you back only to tell you that he's into another guy, you wouldn't feel too amazing."

"yeah, true."

"long story short, yoongi thought jimin meant that he liked you not him so he stormed out. that's why he left so suddenly the other day. meanwhile, jimin was really upset since it wasn't that he liked you and not yoongi, it's that he can't decide between the two of you but yoongi took it the wrong way. now jimin's blaming himself and yoongi's been kinda ignoring him, if you couldn't already tell."

"idiot" | taekook twitter auWhere stories live. Discover now