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all three videos had been filmed and edited and so the guys were planning to post them all at the same time.

they all tweeted to let their fans know.

they all tweeted to let their fans know

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the group sat down laughing at the crazy comments from their fans

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the group sat down laughing at the crazy comments from their fans.

the group sat down laughing at the crazy comments from their fans

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after they were done clowning their fans they all went to their rooms in the house

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after they were done clowning their fans they all went to their rooms in the house. everyone except jeongguk. he went to taehyung's room.

*knock knock*

"come in!"

jeongguk walked in and shut the door behind him.



they both laughed and gguk flopped onto the bed next to taehyung.

"i'm bored so i came to you." he smiled softly and layed down, facing taehyung, lowkey admiring him but he wouldn't admit that.

"well, i'm bored too so what you wanna do?"

they sat and thought for a bit.

"well, we know eachother pretty well but do you wanna play twenty questions?"

"sure, i feel like a teenager again." taehyung giggled.

"i'll start. who's your bestfriend?"

"jiminie pabo, of course." taehyung laughed, "favourite drink?"

"uhhh, banana milk," gguk responded, "first crush?"

"uhhh, some guy named baekhyun from my middle school teehee," tae admitted, "yours?"

"some girl called irene in elementary," he said, "your first kiss?"

"hmmm, a guy named chanyeol in freshman year," tae answered, "who was yours?"

"first girl was one named aisha in freshmen year and first boy was a kid named yeosang in softmore."

jeongguk decided to ask a more interesting question. he scooted closer and asked, with a smirk,

"who's your crush right now?"

taehyung blushed and looked down. the question asked as well as the little amount of space was making his face hot.

"well... i mean-"


they heard jin from downstairs.


"oh did you hear that? welp, guess we gotta go!" taehyung dashed out of the room. earning questionable looks from jin and jimin since he had run at top speed down the stairs, face still red.

jeongguk chuckled and shook his head at the adorable boy.


•334 words
•not proof-read or edited
•3/3 hoesss
•i hope ur day/night is lovely
•i luv u

peace out xoxo,


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