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hoseok was sad.

i know right, shocking.

THE sunshine, our hope, our angel... was sad.

it was the next day and hoseok woke up in an empty room, he was confused since jeongguk was rooming with him so he decided to look for him.

his first instinct was taehyung's room and that's where he found him. the two boys were tangled up in eachother, a pink blanket on the floor next to them that looked like it had been kicked off the bed.

they were breathing softly, peacefully. their noses were almost touching and whenever taehyung moved slightly, jeongguk would lightly furrow his eyebrows and hold him tighter as if he was afraid to let him go.

jeongguk's face was dug into taehyung's neck and taehyung's legs were wrapped around jeongguk like a koala.

needless to say, it was an adorable sight.

but hoseok hated it.

he hated it because he wanted that. that's why he was sad. he loved hanging out with the six other guys but being around them just reminded him of how single he is.

he loved them all to death but sometimes he wanted to strangle them for being so "kissy kissy", as he called it, all the time.

what made it worse was that the two who were utterly hypnotised by eachother were the two that hoseok wanted the attention from the most.

yoongi & jimin.

you see, hoseok had already known about yoongi, and namjoon for that matter. he enjoyed their videos and enjoyed them even more because yoongi was in them. yoongi was like his mini celeb crush in a way.

then jimin came into the picture.

all hobi remembers is seeing jimin as he walked into the living room that day and it felt like the world literally stopped. how could one guy be that fucking cute?

the butterflies in his stomach got even worse when he noticed yoongi sitting right next to jimin.

he was sure that was what heaven looked like.

now he's in a dilemma. he likes both of them. he doesn't know how it happened but it did and now he doesnt know what to do.

in a normal setting, this would be the choice of one or the other or maybe neither. however, what made this worse is that he didn't have a decision since both of his crushes were whipped for eachother.

hoseok had just been standing at the doorway of taehyung's room, staring into the distance while thinking, when jeongguk spoke up in his raspy morning voice.

"hobi? what are you doing there?"

hoseok snapped out of it and looked at jeongguk.

"o-oh nothing, i just came to look for you and zoned out a little." hoseok said, which wasn't a lie.

"oh, i see, did you need something?"

"uh no..." then hoseok got an idea, "could you let me know when taehyung wakes up, i need to talk to him."

and with that he left.

what was that about you ask? well, hoseok needed someone to talk to about this and he knew that tae was his best bet.

now i know what you're thinking; kim taehyung, the ditzy cutiepie of youtube, was his best bet? well, yes, and here was why...

jeongguk is shit at advice and would probably just giggle at him and say something stupid to make him laugh.

jin's very busy all the time either cooking, cleaning, editing, shopping, being handsome or scolding people.

namjoon is too philosophical and hoseok needs someone to make him feel better not make him question his life decisions.

jimin & yoongi were both out of the picture for obvious reasons.

and so that left one member of their group. taehyung.

taehyung was funny but could be serious when he needed to. not to mention that he was jimin's best best best friend and had gotten very close with yoongi by the looks of it and so hoseok decided that taehyung was the one he needed to talk to.

besides, he had to tell yoongi and jimin at some point since him and jeongguk were leaving in two days.

two days.

i'm going home in two days.

i'm leaving him in two days.


,were both jeongguk and hoseok's final thoughts before flinging themselves back onto their beds.


•713 words
•not proof-read or edited
•again, dunno if the spanish number is correct but fuck it
•surprise! double update :p
•idek why but i just felt like it lmao
•i thought i'd finally bring yoonminseok into the picture since it's just been yoonmin so far and the description says yoonminseok
•funny story, i forgot i put yoonminseok in the desc and i only remembered today so i started it now cuz im a clown
•i dont like sad hobster, i wanna hug him and hold him like a babie (>T•T)>
•he will get happy soon :)
•luv u

peace out xoxo,


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