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"you sure there's not anyway you can come down with me?" hobi asked.

"nah, i've got too much work to do, sorry. it's alright, i'll be there tomorrow for the date remember?" jeongguk replied.

"oh yeah, i forgot that you and tae are cool now. so he said yes?"

"yep. he said he 'really really really really really' likes me." jeongguk smiled.

"i'm glad you two made up, you're cute. now, i gotta go. i'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"yeah, bye hobi~"

"goodbye jeonggukie."

with that, hoseok left out the door with his bags. he was going down to visit the other boys, mainly yoongi and jimin.

jeongguk was supposed to come with him but he got too caught up with work so he decided to just wait for the day of his and taehyung's date.

it was 9am and hoseok was on the two hour train ride over to jimin's apartment. he leaned his head against the window and sighed. this ride is always so boring.

~time skip~

he walked up to door and knocked. not even three seconds later, the door flew open and revealed jimin. he had a huge smile as he pulled hobi into the house, helping him with his bags.

"hey hobi!"

in a split second, taehyung came running into the landing.

"hi jeong- wait, where's jeongguk?"

hoseok laughed, "well hello to you too, tae."

"sorry hobi, hey there," taehyung scratched the back of his neck, "where is gguk though?"

"he couldn't come down today, too much work and stuff."

taehyung's smile dropped noticeably.

"o-oh, i see..."

"awh, don't worry tae," he put his arm around his shoulder, "he'll be here tomorrow for your date~"

taehyung's face lit up slightly again and his cheeks turned red.

"he told you about that?"

"yep, he also told me that you 'really really really really-" taehyung covered his mouth.

"okay, i get it!" tae said, embarrassed.

"yah!" jimin spoke up, "you never told me about all of this!"

"oh shut up jimin, you never told me that you ate the last bag of fruit snacks until i went into the kitchen and found an empty box!"

"that's not the same!"

"well i-"

as the argument continued, hoseok quietly slipped past them and went up to the guest room, greeting seokjin along the way.

~twenty minutes later~

jimin came knocking at hoseok's door.

"come in~"

he walked in with a pout and sat on hobi's lap with his arms crossed.

"what's wrong minnie?"

"i texted yoongi to come and hang out with us but he said he's too busy working on his mixtape."

"awh, that's too bad... hey, i have an idea."

"what is it?"

"let's go to his studio and suprise him, yeah?"

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