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meanwhile, with jeongguk...

so, life kinda sucks right now.

"seriously gguk," hobi begins, "you need to stop moping around."

"what's the point?"

for the past two weeks, while taehyung has been ignoring him, jeongguk had been doing...

well, nothing.

there were stages to jeongguk's spiral into a midlife crisis.

stage one:

for the first few days he wasn't able to shut his mind up. he kept wondering what was wrong with tae since the day he left.

stage two:

then for the rest of the first week he was in a period of realisation. realisation of what? the realisation that taehyung was infact, ignoring him.

stage three:

now, he didn't really know what he was guilty for but he still felt it. the voice inside his head was telling him that the reason he's being ignored is his fault. am i too annoying? did he get bored of me? did he just want to collab and nothing else? did he not like me after meeting me in person? did i say something wrong? did i do something?

stage four:

at this point he was feeling like shit. the previously mentioned 'voice' had proceeded to multiply into what felt like thousands of voices. none of the voices had particularly nice things to say. most of these thoughts weren't even about taehyung anymore. it seemed that taehyung ingnoring him had firstly triggered his 'guilty' thoughts that were previously stated and then the guilty thoughts had triggered thoughts like these; of course you're annoying. why wouldn't he get bored of you, you're not anything special. he probably just wanted to film a video but your stupid ass got attatched. he probably just liked you over text and when he met you he realised how shitty, boring, uninteresting, dorky, stupid and useless you are. you SAID everything wrong. you DID everything wrong. and then these thoughts triggered even worse ones. why does anyone even like you? they probably don't. you don't deserve all your fans. what do they even see in you? you're so ungreatful for them even though it's surprising that they even stuck around with your sorry ass.

it wasn't pretty.

he was in (and is still partially trapped in) that stage for the past week. now he had barely began to enter the final stage.

stage five:

at this point, although the depressing thoughts and voices hadn't left his head, he didn't even try to shut them out anymore. he'd accepted that the event of taehyung ditching him had opened a lot of doors in his mind that were better when closed. now he was in the mood to do some weird shit to take his mind off of his loneliness, he just didn't know what.

through the whole period of these stages, he'd barely spoke to hoseok. not as in he's been ignoring him; that would be hypocritical. he'd spoken to him, they just hadn't spoken. usually they had deep and meaningful conversations. they were those type of friends. they'd share their issues and they'd vent to eachother. however, during these past two weeks, most of their conversations were short and empty. if their conversations weren't deep, they'd atleast be hilarious. but as of lately: nothing. hoseok definately noticed this.

"it feels like we don't talk anymore man."

jeongguk sighed because he knew what he meant.

"i know i just..."

"idiot" | taekook twitter auWhere stories live. Discover now