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the videos had been published and were a huge success so far. the fans enjoyed the energy and chemistry between the seven boys. never a dull or awkward moment... apart from the ones taehyung caused that were edited out by jin.

the group had all eaten their food, kimchi fried rice and noodles; hoseok & jimin's choice.

now, they were all sitting in the living room, all slightly dozing off as the credits began to roll on screen.

hoseok yawned before he spoke,

"alright, i'm going to bed. see you guys tomorrow."

then namjoon spoke up,

"same here. goodnight people."

and, in a similar fashion, one by one they scattered into their rooms.

apart from two people; the only two who weren't tired at all.

taehyung & jeongguk.

they were still on the couch, re-watching avengers endgame as per jeongguk's request.

they sat next to eachother underneath a fluffy blanket, taehyung's legs resting on top of jeongguk's and his head on the latter's shoulder.


"yes, ggukie?"

"you never finished your sentence."

tae yawned, "what sentence?"

"i asked you who your crush was now, remember."

if taehyung was falling asleep before, he was wide awake now.

"w-well i mean... isn't it kind of obvious?"

"well, slightly, yes... but i'd prefer if you said it." jeongguk smirked slightly and pulled taehyung's head off of his shoulder, looking him in the eyes.

taehyung blushed and looked down at his lap, only for his chin to be lifted up by jeongguk once again.

taehyung opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't get the words out. this was a lot harder than he thought it would be.

"you know," jeongguk started, "in texts, you act so confident and flirty but in real life you're just a cute baby." he giggled and stroked taehyung's cheek.

taehyung's face got, somehow, even redder.

he hit jeongguk's chest and the latter simply laughed at him.

"well in text you seem sweet but in real life you're a teasing jerk." he said, pouting and looking away.

"awww taehyungie~ don't be mad at me baby~"

taehyung couldn't deny that his tummy did backflips when he heard "baby" leave jeongguk's lips. however, he was determined to stand his ground.







suddenly taehyung got an idea. he smirked and looked at jeongguk who had a confused face when he saw taehyung's expression.


"you think i can't be confident huh?"

"well i never said tha-"

jeongguk was cut off by taehyung straddling his lap and placing his hands on his shoulders.

now it was jeongguk's turn to be speechless. he blushed, a lot.

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