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and so this was it.

it was now around 8am and jeongguk was on the train to taehyung's city.

he left early since he wanted to spend time with tae and the guys before their date which started at 5pm. also, he just couldn't wait to see him again.

now that everything was cleared up between them and confessions had been made, all he wanted to do was hold taehyung in his arms and never let go.

how long had it been since they first messaged?

like, almost two months.

to be honest, the time flew by.

the only time period that felt awfully long was time that he was being ghosted.

but that was in the past now; thankfully.

as he watched buildings and trees fly past the window of the carriage, many thoughts crossed his mind.

most of them being about taehyung, of course. i mean it seemed that his whole world orbited the aforementioned boy.

am i going too fast with this?

i mean, we've only known eachother for like two months.

is that a short amount of time?

ugh, i don't fuckin' know.

did i go overboard with the "i love you"?

well i mean, i told the truth. i do love him.

and i didn't pressure him to say it back so it's fine, right?

but what if he never says it back?

i need to stop thinking like that...

hobi said to be positive for god's sake, i'm already failing.

maybe i should've bought him a gift?

i mean, the date is kinda expensive but a gift would've been a good idea, right?

well, i can't get one now so whatever.

is he as happy to see me as i am to see him?

i mean, he seemed like it.

i better not fuck this up.

hopefully i don't fuck this up.

what if-

his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the intercom, telling him that he had reached his destination.

with that, he picked up his bags, exited the train and made his way out of the station.

almost there

~time skip~

taehyung was sitting on the couch, tapping his foot on the floor, waiting 'patiently' for jeongguk's arrival.

"taehyung, chill, he's not gonna be here for another hour according to the time he said he'd be here." jimin said. he was sitting on the other couch, eating cereal and re-watching old seasons ru paul's drag race.

"i know but i can't sit still!" tae said, still fidgeting but with a giddy smile on his face.

"jesus, you're acting like he's your husband coming back from world war 2."

"oh shut up ji-"


taehyung shot up from his seat and ran to the front door.

he swung the door open and lowkey wanted to cry when he saw jeongguk's face behind it.

fluffy pink hair, sparkly eyes, bunny smile.



"hey, taehyungie."

the way jeongguk looked at him with so much emotion and the way he stared into his eyes made his stomach flutter and his heart do backflips.

he stepped back and let him walk in. before he knew it, jeongguk dropped both his bags onto the floor and wrapped his arms around him.

taehyung immediately hugged him back, smiling into jeongguk's shirt. he could hear jeongguk's heartbeat as he leaned against his chest and he prayed that jeongguk couldn't hear his. they embraced eachother in silence for what felt like too little time for the two of them when suddenly they were interrupted by their small friend who was going to put his bowl in the sink.

"ew, love."

tae looked up, "you weren't saying that when you were sitting on hoseok's lap yesterday."

jimin blushed, "you saw that?!"

"that's what you get for not closing the door behind you." he stuck his tongue out to which jimin rolled his eyes and left.

jeongguk giggled and looked down at tae.

"let me go say hi to jin and hobi."

and so taehyung released him from his arms and allowed him to stop by jin's room and go put his bags in his and hobi's shared guest room.

taehyung sat in his bedroom, waiting for him to get back and, as if on que, he walked in. still with a huge smile.

taehyung moved up on his bed, making room for the other boy who was shutting the door behind him.

jeongguk layed on the bed like a starfish and taehyung took it upon himself to put on a movie. ironman of course; jeongguk's favourite.

once he'd turned on the tv, he felt two hands on his waist; pulling him backwards.

taehyung smiled and turned around to face him.

"what are you doing?~"

"come cuddle me you meanie!"

taehyung giggled at gguk's pouty face and crawled towards him, laying on top of him and burying his face in his neck.

he sighed happily which sent a warm breath down jeongguk neck, causing him to shiver slightly.

he started to kiss the side of his neck lightly until he felt jeongguk's hands move from his waist to his neck, pulling his head up to face him.

they looked each other in the eyes for a couple seconds before they leaned in to kiss.

they were millimeters apart when-

"jin said we're eating lunch n- oh, sorry." jimin snickered as he opened the door to interrupt their moment.

taehyung groaned and sat up on jeongguk's lap.

"we're coming, just leave!"

"ha, you're coming huh?" jimin said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

(a/n: i'm so sorry but i literally *had* to.)

taehyung fell off the bed and jeongguk choked on air, sitting up.



•944 words
•not proof-read or edited
•lil filler chapter (°~°)
•yes, i said that earlier. do i regret it? no.
•next chaper is the date btw
•this book is on over 2.5K views sooo... that's pretty neat, i would say xD
•online school finna be the death of me
•in the latest run ep, yoongi said the last food he ordered was halal food so every muslim army reading this is thrivingggg
•jimin was shirtless and they tried to censor his bare back with text and im honestly triggered but i respect privacy so i'm acting like i'm not :))))
•stay safe, wash ur hands, stay inside ♡
•love youuuu

peace out xoxo,


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