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taehyung had been scrolling through his comments for about ten minutes. he had found out quite a lot about this 'jeongguk' guy in quite a short amount of time.

he learnt he was a youtuber & dancer, a pretty good one at that. he was a year older than him and he was bestfriends with the famous street-dancer, j-hope.

taehyung knew about j-hope, everyone did, he just didn't know about his cassanova friend 'jeongguk'. the reason for this? well, pretty much the whole of seoul and outside knew who j-hope was but since jeongguk didn't specialise in street-dance, he didn't perform with him. he mainly just featured in the youtube videos that were filmed in the studio and since taehyung didn't actually watch j-hope's videos, he probably could've gone his whole life without knowing who the fuck jeongguk was if it hadn't been for his fans on twitter.

taehyung read a few more replies until he got bored and decided to just look at jeongguk's profile since a few people had left his @.

he clicked on his name and, to his surprise, jeongguk had tweeted about him... only like two minutes ago.

taehyung blushed, his face was bright red

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taehyung blushed, his face was bright red. he didn't really understand why he was so flustered, it's not like jeongguk was the first person who'd called him cute. although, maybe it was because the boy who called him cute was a super hot dancer who his fans had been shipping him with for what seemed like a while now.

he looked into the comments and giggled slightly at the few crazy shippers, confused fans who obviously weren't informed on what had been going on the past couple days and also j-hope himself who seemed fed up with jeongguk's twitter antics.

he looked into the comments and giggled slightly at the few crazy shippers, confused fans who obviously weren't informed on what had been going on the past couple days and also j-hope himself who seemed fed up with jeongguk's twitter antics

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he continued to scroll and laughed every now and then. suddenly he came across a comment that fairly ruined his mood...

now, even though taehyung seemed sweet and innocent from the outside looking in, the people who knew him personally and the dedicated fans who always kept up to date with his twitter knew that he was a secret savage

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now, even though taehyung seemed sweet and innocent from the outside looking in, the people who knew him personally and the dedicated fans who always kept up to date with his twitter knew that he was a secret savage. when he saw comments like these on his own posts, he would ignore them. however, when they were on other people's accounts, he wasn't one to let them slide. kim taehyung, youtube's pretty boy and twitter's sassy clapback genius. he knew exactly how to shut down this cringey hater...

meanwhile, with jeongguk

he was lying on his bed and scrolling through the replies to his latest tweet. most of the comments consisted of shippers or just puzzled fans. very entertaining, in his opinion.

after a while, he came across a comment that made him frown deeply.

he was about to delete the comment until he saw who had commented under it

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he was about to delete the comment until he saw who had commented under it. after reading the reply and then looking at the username of the person jeongguk fell off his bed and was in 50% shock and 50% laughter.

 after reading the reply and then looking at the username of the person jeongguk fell off his bed and was in 50% shock and 50% laughter

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once jeongguk had calmed down and climbed back on his bed, he liked tae's comment and mentally praised him for standing up for himself. after hearing information about taehyung and scrolling through his twitter up until about three months ago, he didn't expect taehyung to be so sassy or savage or even be one to cuss.

it made jeongguk even more attracted to him in a way. a sweet baby who will scratch you if he's mad.

heh, like a tiger cub, cute.

meanwhile, back with taehyung

tae mentally praised himself for being the bad bitch he knows he is. he felt even better when he saw that jeongguk liked his comment. he squealed slightly. he didn't know why jeongguk had such an effect on him since they've never even had a conversation aside from jeongguk's not-so-subtle flirt.

but, as if summoned, his phone dinged.

@ its.JJ.bitch wants to send you a message


•649 words
•not proof-read or edited
•oh god this book is sO bAd
•i've been updating a lot lately so atleast that's something i guess
•thanks to all the people who've voted & added this to reading lists or just the people who are reading in general

peace out xoxo,


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