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it was the final filming day and it was time for yoongi and namjoon to teach the other crackheads how to make a song.

they were gathered in yoongi's studio back in his and namjoon's apartment, ready to film.

"hey guys, agust d here." he started, monotone and chill as usual. he liked to be his natural self on camera since it was way less tiring than acting bubbly all the time.

"and RM," namjoon added, "today is a lot different because this is our first collab, as you can see here we have these five crackheads."

"jeongguk, jhope, taehyung, jimin and seokjin," yoongi pointed to each one, "their youtube chanels n shit are in the description so go follow them cuz i said so."

"also follow yoongi cuz he has a mixtape dropping next month, stay tuned." namjoon whispered to the camera.

"today's paid promoted song is: Kick It by NCT127, link in the description. now lets hurry the fuck up." yoongi finished.

with that, they were off.

"okay so, i think jhope should rap." namjoon began.

"but i've never rapped before! i've only ever sang." hobi shouted.

"well that changes today i guess." namjoon shrugged and ruffled his hair.

"jeongguk what are you good at other than flirting and dancing?" yoongi asked.

"i mean, i'm not bragging but if you give me something i can do just about anything as long as i put my mind to it." he said.

"hmmm, i think you'll sing... what do you think joon?"

"yeah, he'll sing."

"you too, jimin and jin." yoongi added.

"yay! i love to sing." jimin clapped his baby hands together.

"sounds fun." jin smiled.

"as for you taehyung, your voice is the deepest out of the singers and we've already got three rappers so i think your singing voice will contrast well with the other three." namjoon finally said.

"i've never sang before but i'm sure i'll be fine." taehyung shrugged.

"iVe NeVeR sAnG bEfOrE!" jimin mocked.

"what?!" tae asked.

"have you heard yourself in the shower, i swear to god the fucking house vibrates." jin added for jimin.


"you think that's bad? wait til you hear this one," yoongi points to namjoon, "he sounds like penguin with athsma getting nipped by a crab."

the whole group laughed their ass off.

"heyyy~ you're so mean hYuNgIe." namjoon crossed his arms.

"please don't cut that out!" jeongguk and hobi said at the same time.

"don't worry i won't." yoongi snickered at namjoon.

after roles were decided, yoongi showed them his producer set up and they all looked at it like a deer caught in headlights.

"what's that red light?"

"why are there numbers?"

"i need to pee."

"what's that shiny thing?"

"yoongi, what does this button do?"

yeahhh, they were gonna need some work.

~two and a half hours later~

yoongi had shown them how to make a beat, he had most of the idea written down from an earlier date wgich meant he didn't need to make a whole new one which would've taken way too long.

"okay kids, lets write some lyrics." namjoon said, clapping his hands.

"but i dont wan' think." taehyung said, pouting.

jeongguk poked his cheek.

"cmon, it wont be that bad bae~" he said.

taehyung blushed. he forgot about that inside joke. he didn't think that actually hearing 'bae' come from jeongguk in real life would be so satisfying to the ears as it was.


"oooo~ OW!" jimin said before he was flicked in the head.

~an hour later~

"yoongiiii~ i need help" jimin whined.

"this is the sixth time you've called me, ask namjoon."

"he's with jin though~"

"ugh, fine. what is it?"

"i only have like one line. i give up!" jimin shut his notebook and crossed his arms.

"don't stress jiminie baby, i'll help you. trust me, taehyung is doing worse than you and jin is only good cuz he's got namjoon."

jimin blushed at the nickname and then giggled, slapping his arm.

"hey! i'm trying okay!" taehyung yelled.

"don't listen to him bae, you're doing good, keep working." jeongguk said, messing with taehyungs hair. he was already done with his lyrics.


"watch it yoongi, remember that you're staying at my house and i could easily not cook for you." jin added.

"my lips," he made a zip motion over his mouth, "are sealed."

"good kitty."

~another hour later~

"aight people, time's up." namjoon said.

"ggukie wake up." taehyung shook jeongguk.

"wha- huh?"

"jesus, we took so long that baby bunny fell asleep." hobi chuckled.

"well now it's done so time to record, bitches, lets go." yoongi said and they followed him into another room next to his studio. it was sound proofed with a microphone in the centre.

namjoon cracked his knuckles and yoongi rolled his shoulders. in unison, thet said,

"let's do this shit."

~after recording~

yoongi and namjoon put everything together and polished up the track with autotune and a few tweaks to the beat. mixing & mastering and all that shit, yknow?

"the deed is done!" namjoon yelled to the camera.

they all cheered and did stupid dances.

"the song will be released on spotify and itunes and an audio will be released on this youtube chanel." yoongi said, happy with the outcome.

"see you guys later!" namjoon said and everyone waved as he shut off the camera.

"i still need to pee."


•901 words
•not proof-read or edited
•2/3 of the triple updateeee
•love u u u u u

peace out xoxo,


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