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jin and namjoon had been blabbering on and on for quite some time now and their date, which namjoon had confirmed with "yes this is a date", had pretty much come to an end.

"and so i was lik-" buzz.

"oh sorry it's jimin."

he picked up his phone and saw a message from jimin asking to go shopping with him and taehyung.

"he's asking me to go shopping with him and tae, you don't mind do you?"

"oh nah, it's fine, we've been here talking loudly for ages now anyways, we should probably leave before we're kicked out," namjoon giggled.

"oh yeah, i guess you're right, the time flew by to be honest."

"yeah it did, i'm gonna call yoongi to pick me up."


"my roommate and brother-like bestfriend. the one i was complaining about the other day."

"ohhh, yeah i remember, you said that you locked him out of the studio and so he's been bothering you for weeks."

"yep, that's him."

namjoon called yoongi to pick him up and he arrived ten minutes later.


"hi there, yoongi."

"hey, jin. the name's jin right?"

"yeah it is," jin smiled, happy as usual but especially after today.

jin, namjoon and yoongi talked for a bit until jimin and taehyung finally arrived to take jin to the mall.

they got out the car and walked up to them, turning the group of three into a five.

"hey" jimin and tae said in unison.

they all said hello and jimin couldn't help but notice the unfamiliar face among them all.

"hi, im yoongi."

yoongi? why is that hot? its just a name! pull yourself together jimin! but his voice is so deep and raspy i- stop! omg wait he has his hand out, he wants me to shake it and im standing here like a fucking vegetable omfg-

jimin halted his thoughts and immediately shook yoongi's hand.

"hey, i'm jimin, park jimin."

omg his hands are so soft and like twice the size of mine wtf. why is this man so- ugh, i cant even, i just-

"helloooo, call forwarding from earth to park jimin~", tae waved his hand infront of jimin's face.

ever since he'd let go of yoongi's hand he's just been staring at him as the group talked.


taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at him and whispered in his ear, "get his twitter @ right now so you can stop complaining about being lonely."

jimin blushed, "shut up~"

"it's not my fault that you're making it obvious that you're into him."

"is it that obvious?"


"you two alright?" namjoon asked.

"yep!" said taehyung.

"y-yeah." jimin said.

"you sure jimin? you look hot." yoongi said.

"wha- what d'you mean?"

"i meant, you look kinda sick, you're face is red. however, you can take that however you want to."

jimin was pretty sure that he felt his face get redder than it already was.

after that, jimin and tae ditched the mall plan and yoongi decided to stay, so all five of them sat in a booth at the café to hang out.

jimin got to know a lot about this 'yoongi' guy and yoongi got to know a lot about jimin. neither of them minded at all. infact, the other three felt like they were third-wheeling from time to time, with yoongi's constant flirting and jimin's constant blushing. the way yoongi would smile in jimin's direction whenever he laughed at a joke. or how he was quick to go and get napkins when jimin spilt a little milkshake on his skirt. or how he focused 125% of his attention on jimin whenever he had something to say. or how he would sneak glances at him when he wasn't looking and when he was finally caught all he did was wink which sent jimin to pits of hell, up to heaven and then back down to earth again.

one word went through tae, jin and joon's mind...



•663 words
•not edited or proof-read
•double updateee
•i'm tired and i have cramps, ew life
•love u all

peace out xoxo,


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