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the boys had gathered at the studio hoseok had rented out wearing tshirts, sweatpants and shorts, ready to get started.

"alright you limp spaghetti noodles," hoseok said and they all giggled, "let's get this show on a road. stand in a line."

they all stood in a line opposite the mirror. namjoon on the end, then jin, yoongi, jimin and finally taehyung.

hoseok & jeongguk set up the tripod and turned on the camera.

"what's up guys! i'm your hope, i'm your angel i'm jhope and as always i'm here with..."

"heyo, it's jeongguk!" gguk said and winked at the camera.

"today we're gonna be doing a special video, as you can see behind me, we have a few friends here today. guys, introduce yourself."

"hello i'm RM." he waves.

"i'm seokjin!" he blows a kiss.

"yoongi." he nods.

"heyyy, i'm jimin." he makes a kissy face.

"and i'm taehyung aka vante aka your favourite person aka your sleep paralysis demon!" he says while making his signiture V pose.

they all giggled and jeongguk continued introducing the video.

"their channels will be in the description along with all of our social medias! today me and hope are going to be choreographing a group dance for all seven of us!"

"yep, we're going to be doing a dance to the song taki taki by dj snake. without further intro..." jhope started.

"LETS GET THIS BREAD!" jeongguk finished.

"okay so guys, me and jeongguk have been working on this choreo for a while and it just needs some finishing touches to we can teach it to you qnd polish it as a group. sound good?"

"yeeeees~" they all said like elementary kids.

and so they began. they were trying to learn the moves and they got some good scenes for the video. namjoon almost smashed the mirror, jin yelled at him, jimin started doing random cartwheels, yoongi was tired, taehyung almost died, jeongguk somehow managed to slap tae's ass in the mix of things and hobi was just having the time of his life.

after a few hours they felt like they got the choreo down.

"-4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and stop! YES! finally!" hobi cheered.

"jesus that took so fucking long." yoongi layed on the ground.

"you better get the fuck up grandpa cuz we need to go from the top one more time." jeongguk said.


this was the final dance:

[taki taki cover & choreo by kard]

(just imagine there's seven people lmao)

once the video shoot was finally over, they packed their things into their bags.

"you danced really well tae." jeongguk smiled.

"thank you kind sir" tae said with a goofy smile.

"the pleasure is all mine." he bowed and kissed taehyung's hand.

taehyung giggled and blushed.

jeongguk ruffled his hair.

"cmon, let's go back and watch netflix."



"your ass looked good while you were dancing jiminie." yoongi said, at this point he only acted that way to see jimin blush, he found it cute.

jimin slapped his chest with a red face.

"shut up! ugh, men aint shit." jimin said laughing slightly.

yoongi chuckled and tapped his butt before walking away and joined the others to leave while jimin stood there feeling wierd and fuzzy.


"i can't believe you almost broke the fucking mirror." jin said with a windsheild wiper laugh.

"what can i say, i'm the god of destruction." namjoon replied with a wink.

"oh really huh?" jin smirked and raised an eyebrow.


"why that name?"

"i break a lot of things." namjoon shrugged.

"but you're a big teddybear!"

"a big teddybear that will break your back." he said bluntly.

"in what way?!" jin blushed.

"that's for you to determine, jinnie." then namjoon walks away and starts a conversation with hoseok.


•629 words
•not proof-read or edited
•again, idk if that's how to spell fourteen in spanish, i'm failing spanish okayyyy
•i need to go out to do volunteering at a cat home today so i decided to update now (it's 8:56am)
•we're close to 500 reads uwu
•my dad got me a shooky snowglobe and some bt21 decals plus he has mots7 version 2 & 4 all waiting for me so i'm excited to see him XD
•luv u

peace out xoxo,


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