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jeongguk was in the dance studio filming a video with hoseok. the dance was called "own it" and believe me, they were owning it.

a couple minutes later, the song ended and the two bestfriends walked up to do their outro.

"so, that's all we got for today guys, we hope you guys enjoy this video and~..." ,jeongguk started.

"make sure to like and subcribe and also comment down below what song we should choreograph to next or what dance covers we should do!" ,hoseok finished.

"thanks for watching! peace!" ,they finished together.

jeongguk shut off the camera and then layed down on the wooden floor, panting.


"i know man, i thought we would never get that choreo right. at least we have good bloopers," he laughed lightly.

after they caught their breath, they left the dance studio to their shared apartment.

~time skip~

jeongguk was laying on one side of the L-shaped couch like a starfish, hobi wrapped up like a burrito on the other side.

"i'm so fucking... BORED!" ,jeongguk said, emphasising the word bored.

hobi looked at him with a 'bitch do you think i give a fuck?' kind of look...

"bitch... do you think i gi-"

"-give a fuck! yeah i know, you don't give a fuck~ ughhhh! i wanna do something~"

"well i dunno what you wanna do!"

"ugh, i wish i had a girlfriend! or a boyfriend! i'm so lonely, it's sad," jeongguk was a veteran at the art of complaining, "all i ever do is hang out with you! don't get me wrong, you're my bestie so i love you but it's not like i'm gonna kiss you or cuddle you or fuc-"

"aish! i get it, jesus!" hobi sighed, so done with jeongguk's complaining. he'd been hearing the same talk for the past eleven days. yes, he was counting.

"maybe, if you want to have a stable relationship, you should stop being such a flirt and try and find one person to focus on. something you seem very bad at."

jeongguk groaned at his hyung's words. he knew he was right but he didn't want to believe it. he wanted to settle down but he just hadn't found someone he wanted that with. he was a natural flirt, not to mention he'd had his own fair share of relationships so he had a player-ish reputation on social media. at this point though, he didn't really get any amusement out of meaningless flings, atleast not how he used to. now, however, he wanted someone who he could actually love, not just like. he wanted someone he could hold and kiss and spoil and give all his time to. this plan wasn't really working so far though.

"i knowwww~. i'm having a hard time finding the right person. no one i meet has everything i'm looking for. it's like, if they're pretty they're not interesting, and if they're interesting they're not funny, and if they're funny we have nothing in common. it's like i can't fucking win!"

hobi sat up and petted his head.

"it's okay man, don't stress. you'll find a bae eventually."

jeongguk sighed and decided to take a nap, 'yeah right' were his final thoughts before slowly drifting into dreamland.


•542 words
•not proof-read or edited
•i'm so slow at updates lmao sorry sissy
•thank you to the probably two people who actually read this far
•also, someone called 555angel voted for this trashy book so shout out to them lmao <3

peace out xoxo,


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