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after the pic was up, the boys started to discuss what the colab video should be since fans went bat shit crazy when they saw the tweet of all three groups together.

"i say a vid of me and jeongguk trying to teach you choreography." hobi suggested.

"yeahhh." jeongguk agreed.

"ooo, i love to dance." jimin added.

"you do?" yoongi questioned.

"yep, i was on my cheer squad in highschool and i took contemporary dance lessons."

"so you're flexible, huh?" yoongi smirked at him.

jimin went red and was about to answer but taehyung quickly interrupted.

"okay lovebirds, i don't wanna know your response to that question." he said with a wierded out look.

"me either," jin started, "now, back on topic. i say we do a vid where me, jimin and tae do you guy's makeup."

"omg, that would be so fun." tae said and jimin nodded excitedly.

"you aren't putting those chemicals on my perfect skin dude." yoongi said.

"i mean, for a video it wouldn't be that bad. and if you take it seriously i won't look like a clown atleast." namjoon said.

"i think we should do a video where we make a song with all of you. like, we teach you how to produce and record and we get you to sing for the day." yoongi said, leaning back onto the couch.

"that sounds fun, actually." jeongguk and tae said in unison.

they looked at eachother and taehyung looked away, blushing slightly.

"awe cute," yoongi deadpanned sarcastically, " but seriously, what idea are we going with?"

the boys argued for a bit about what video to do until jin stood up and spoke.


everyone shut up immediately.

"why don't we do all three videos and we can post them on their respected chanels?"

a moment of silence.

a chorus of "yeah" "sure" "why didnt you just say that?" "alright" "whatevs" "aight" was heard.

"well that was easy." taehyung said.

they decided that the boys will stay over for a few more days in order to get the filming done.

after all the decisions were made, taehyung found out everyones foundation shades and hoseok rented a dance studio for the day, they decided to watch a movie.

they all brushed their teeth and put on their pyjamas and met downstairs on the couches.

on the first couch: taehyung on the end, then jungkook, then hoseok.

the second couch: yoomin.

and on the floor with beanbags was namjin.

taehyung had his head against jeongguk's shoulder, slowly drifting off.

jeongguk was focusing more on the cute boy next to him than the movie.

hobi was fully emersed in the cinema experience and he was crying at the sad scene of the girl sobbing and running away from her boyfriend.

jin was getting mad at the stupid main character for breaking the girl's heart.

namjoon was patting his back, trying to calm him down before he punched the tv.

jimin layed on yoongi's chest and wiped a small tear.

yoongi stroked jimin's hair as he slowly fell into slumber.

it was...



•513 words
•not proof-read or edited
•i dunno if 'trece' is how you write thirteen in spanish tbh, i'm failing spanish soooo-
•double update cuz i felt like it
•imma do each youtube vid as it's own chapter so next chapter will be hopekook's vid, then taejinmin's vid, then namgi's
•luv u again

peace out xoxo,


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