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taehyung was laying on the couch.

it'd been two weeks since jeongguk & hobi left.

namjoon & yoongi went home the day after, not that it mattered since they were only like fifteen-twenty minutes away.

two weeks.

two weeks and taehyung & jeongguk had only had two conversations since then.


because taehyung is stupid, of course.

to elaborate, he's still sticking with the whole 'if i ignore him maybe i'll get deattatched and avoid getting hurt' plan.

dumb? yeah i know.

to be honest even he was starting to feel that way since they'd barely spoken the past fourteen days yet he still found himself missing jeongguk more than he thought he would.

whenever he thought about him he felt instantly sad. he resulted to just scrolling through gguk's old photos whenever he missed him.

why old photos? well because jeongguk hadn't posted any new ones. not until later that day but i'll talk about that after.

while taehyung was mindlessly channel-surfing, jin walked in. he snatched the remote and turned the tv off.

"hey, you whore!"

"bitch, i'm just gonna pretend like you thought i was jimin cuz i KNOW you didn't just call me a whore," jin began, "now, the reason i came here is because i wanna know what the frick is wrong with you."

"what d'you mean?"

"you just haven't been yourself lately. since hoseok and jeongguk left you-"

he paused.

"oooohhhhh," he let out a sound of realisation.


"that's why you're upset, right? jeongguk left."

well he didn't really want to tell jin that the real reason he's this upset is because not only did jeongguk leave but he'd also been ignoring him... but he was going to have to tell the truth anyway because jimin walked in.

"bitch, it has to be more than just that. spill it, right now." jimin said, strutting into the living room.

"ugh, fine."

and so he told the story. the story of how he ignored jeongguk the day he left and that he'd been airing his messages for two weeks apart from two occasions.

"okay, i see...but why the fuck are you doing this again?" jin said, a confused look on his handsome face.


"it's because he's afraid of rejection."

tae looked up at jimin,

"how'd you know that?"

"bro, im your bestfriend. your soulmate. i know you better than you know yourself," jimin started, "this is a classic case of idiocy."


"you're an idiot, tae."

it seemed that those four words opened tae's eyes, somehow.

oh shit, i am an idiot.

"don't be mean jimin, he-"

"no, he's right. i am being an idiot. this whole thing is so dumb and stupid, i dunno why i didn't realise that way sooner."

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