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the day had come.

what day, you may ask?

well, the day for hobi and jeongguk to go back home.

as of right now, it was 10am and their train arrived at 4:30pm.

six and a half hours left.

to be honest, taehyung had completely forgotten that jeongguk didn't live here. that he has a life. that he lived two hours away.

although, jeongguk had only stayed for a week, taehyung had gotten very used to him being around. being able to talk to him in real life. being able to touch him. being able to look at him. being able to hear his voice.

his presence was something that taehyung had become involuntarily accustomed to. it wasn't really a bad thing but taehyung knew he'd become attatched to the other boy.

now, he had to face the reality. because jeongguk was going home today and wouldn't be back for who knows how long. this reality wasn't one that tae was too thrilled about.

before he was worried about whether jeongguk liked him as much as he did. now he's worried that jeongguk won't miss him as much as he will.

again, he knew that jeongguk liked him, but did he like him? it was still a blurry question in tae's mind.

he was fully aware that watching gguk leave would hurt. a lot. he was fully aware that he was attatched. very attatched. and he was afraid of that.

what if when he finally confessed his feeling it turns out that jeongguk didn't feel that strongly for him; the way tae did for him. what if, when jeongguk leaves, tae misses him too much and texts him all the time and then gguk thinks he's too clingy.

i can't drive him away from me...

these thoughts swished around his head as he layed in bed. not wanting to get up, knowing he'd have to see them pack their bags and say their goodbyes a few hours from now.

he stayed there for an hour until he heard his stomach rumble and decided to get up.

he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. his plan for the day was to avoid jeongguk as much as possible until it was time for him and hobi to leave. why? well his logic was that if he clinged onto jeongguk the whole day, it would hurt more when he finally had to leave. not to mention, it was softening the blow for the future if gguk really did end up... well, rejecting him.

he wanted to make the whole idea of 'mission wife up jeongguk' backfiring on him as painless as possible.

just as he was finished making his cereal, the man himself walked in: jeongguk.


his hair was messy and fluffy from sleep and he was wearing a white tshirt (that was ultimately see-through, not to mention, too tight around his upper arms) and grey sweatpants.

i'm trying to ignore him but it's gonna be hard if he wants to walk around looking like a fucking daddy.

then gguk spoke,

"g'morning taetae."

two things were wrong with this. 1) the 'taetae' nickname made him soft as hell. seeing a sleepy jeongguk with puffy hair calling him 'taetae' was probably the cutest thing he'd seen in a while. 2) jeongguk's morning voice was definately doing things to him, as it normally did. he didn't know how long he would be able to survive without hearing his low and rough 'good morning' everyday, like he had been this past week.

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