Part 4

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I watch Will fumble about for a moment, try to find everything needed for an iris call.
'Will.' I say, trying to get him to calm down for a second and breathe. He rummages through his belongings, checking all the pockets of his bag, 'Will.'
'I can't find a fucking coin.' He shouts, as he chucks the bag on the floor.
'Here, come on.' I say, taking his hands and sitting him on the bed. I've never seen him this worked up before, 'I'll get everything, just breathe, okay?'
I don't wait for a reply, just shadow jump to my own cabin and get everything required. I'm back before Will has had time to get up.
'Here, just say where you need to go.' I say, pouring the water bottle, throwing the coin in. I've only done this a handful of times, but Iris accepts and sends us through quickly.
'Mum.' Will's voice breaks, as an image comes through, blurred, but there. A woman sits at a table, rifling through pages and pages of paper. She turns, jumping on hearing Will's voice.
'Honey, is that you?' She says, hurrying over to the projection, 'darling I've missed you.'
'Mum, where's Gracie and Willow? Are they okay?' He asks, unable to hide his concern.
'They're upstairs, Will, is everything okay?' She asks, worried.
'Can you call them down please? I just need to see them.' He says.
'Yeah, Yeah of course. Gracie? Willow, honey, come down here a sec, I've got Will on the line.' She calls up, and instantly I hear footsteps rushing down the stairs.
'Will!' One of them calls out, running up to and through the projection of Will.
'Hey! Hey you guys, how are you!?' He says, his voice breaking again from relief.
'We're good!' One of them says.
'I miss you.' The other says. I see Will smile slightly, sadly. The panic disappears for now as he realises they're in no immediate danger.
'I miss you guys too.' He says, then looks over to me. I figure out what's about to happen a moment before it does, 'you guys want to meet my boyfriend?'
A chorus of approval comes from the other end, but I back away, shaking my head.
'Nico, come on.' He says, beckoning me, but I stay rooted, 'Hold on a sec you guys. He gets shy.' He quickly moves over to me and takes my hands.
'Will, I'm serious, no.' I whisper, not wanting them to hear us talking.
'Why don't you want to meet them? They'll love you, I promise.' He whispers back.
'No, no. People don't like me, they won't like me. I'm not good with families.' I say, 'your siblings here don't even like me, I'm the worst, I wouldn't let them have the music room, they hate me.'
'Don't be an idiot, they love you.' He says.
'Will, you don't want them to meet me.' I say, adamant.
'I do.' He insists
'Will.' I plead, unsure how to convince him. One of the reasons I've been so at ease getting into a relationship with Will, apart from the fact that I love him more than I realised was possible, was the fact that I didn't need to impress anyone else around him.
His siblings at camp already vaguely knew me and respected me enough after the war to not despise me, and his dad is hard to take seriously. But his mum and sisters. He loves them. I need to impress them, make them like me, and I can't.
'Nico, they'll love you, I promise.' He says, calmly, placing his hand on my chest. My heart beats fast, but he slows it slightly.
'You don't know that.' I say.
'I do.' He says, 'they'll love you, because I love you, okay?'
I stay still for a moment, then nod. He smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me into view. The two girls cheer and his mum smiles.
'Nico, it's so good to finally meet you. Will writes every week and ever since summer you've been the only think he writes about.' His mum says.
'Mum!' Will says, embarrassed. He holds my hand tightly, making me aware he's here for me.
'Good things I hope.' I say, my voice sounding strange and foreign.
'Of course.' She says, 'I'm so happy that my boy has found someone so kind.'
'I, um, thank you.' Is all I can think of to say. Will squeezes my hand.
'How're you magic?' One of the girls ask, Gracie I think.
'What are your powers?' Willow asks.
'Do you have something cooler than Will's?' Gracie asks.
'Hey!' Will protests.
'Well, Will's are pretty cool.' I say, not liking the attention suddenly on me and my father.
'Nico's dad's in charge of the afterlife. So what happens once you die.' Will explains for me.
'Can you bring people back from the dead?' Gracie asks.
'No, not exactly.' I say, I look to Will, not sure how much to say and how much I should keep from two fairly young kids.
'He can travel through shadows which is pretty cool.' Will explains, 'and he can raise skeleton armies. But only in really serious situations, he can't show you right now.'
'Awwww.' The two girls moan, disappointed.
'Some other time.' I say, and they brighten up.
'Alright you girls need to get ready for bed, go brush your teeth and change and then you can come back down and say bye to Will.' His mum says. The two girls rush of without complaint.
'Will, I miss you. The girl's miss you, is there no chance you could come visit us? Even for a week?' She asks, 'it's been so long.'
'I know.' He says, 'I miss you too. I just...I couldn't put the girls in danger. But...' he pauses for a moment, thinks something over in his head, 'maybe you could come here. Listen, Mum, the reason we called in the first place, Nico had a vision and it involved Gracie in some way. It might be nothing, but it could be something. If you came here, we could get you guys protection whilst we figure it out, and if it turns out to be nothing, then at least I get to see you again.'
'Is Gracie in danger?' She asks, concerned.
'No, I don't think so.' Will says, 'it's just to be safe.'
'Would it be safe for them there?' She asks.
'I'll talk to Chiron, make some arrangements. Some of us can keep watch at all times. It'll be a hassle, but if this vision turns into something bigger at least you're all protected.' He says.
'You'll be safe.' I confirm, 'we'll make sure of it.'
'Talk to your teacher first, make sure it's okay.' She says, 'but I want to see you Will. If you think it's safe, and especially if you think Gracie might be in danger here, then of course we'll come. I-' The two girls come rushing back in.
'Bye Will!' Gracie shouts.
'Night!' Willow says, waving at us.
'Goodnight you guys!' Will says, waving, 'love you.'
'Love you!' They shout back.
'Bye Nico!' They shout as they head back to their bedrooms.
'Bye!' I call back.
'I should make sure they go to bed.' She says, 'you'll call me tomorrow?'
'Of course.' He says.
'Alright, I love you honey.'
'Love you, Mum.' He says.
'Nico, it was so nice meeting you. You keep a check on my boy for me, Alright?'
'I will.' I say, 'nice to meet you too.'
'Alright then, bye you two!' She says, and the connection cuts off.
Will lets out a sigh and lies back on his bed. He still holds my hand.
'You okay?' I ask, remembering how worked up he got before the call.
'Yeah. Yeah, fine.' He says, 'sorry about...freaking out.'
'No, I get it. It's fine.' I say, lying down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder, 'you don't need to apologise.'
'They liked you though.' He says, 'so that's a win.'
'I liked them.' I say.
'Really?' He asks, a little surprised.
'Yeah. They're like you. They have the same...'
'Same what?'
'Optimism.' I say. He smiles a little.
'Optimism?' He asks, 'is that a compliment?'
'It is.' I reply, 'you get your melodrama from your dad though.'
'Melodrama?' He exclaims, 'if anyone, you're the melodramatic one.'
'No way. You should see yourself when you're in the infirmary. It's bloody grey's anatomy.'
'Since when do you watch grey's anatomy?' He asks, hugging me to his chest, laughing a little.
'Since it's all you talked about for three weeks straight.' I say. He stays quiet for a moment, thinking.
'I'm not melodramatic.' He says, quietly.
'Okay. Whatever you say.'
'I'm not.' He insists.
'Sure! I believe you.' I say. Again, silence.
'Okay, Maybe a little, but you're still-' I kiss him with the sole intention of cutting him off.
'I'm still what?' I ask.
'Huh?' He asks, distracted.
'You said: I'm still...?'
'You're still...' He trails off.
'Yeah.' I say, and he kisses me again. The conversation is over, and we remain as we are for a minute or so, until the door bangs open and Kayla walks in. Will and I pull apart instantly, but she still saw us.
'Don't mind me.' She says, strolling over to her bed, 'just getting my book.'
I feign interest in the post of the bed, as Will just sits on his bed, his cheeks glowing red, watching as Kayla grabs her book, raises her eyebrows at him, then leaves.
'Oh my Gods.' I say, hitting my head against the bed post out of embarrassment, 'Oh my Gods.'
'It's fine. It's Kayla. She won't tell anyone.' Will comes over, wraps his hands around me.
'She better not.' I say. I duck out of Will's embrace, grab my sword and back away to the other side of the cabin, 'now if you don't mind me, I'm late for sword practice.'
'Hey, What? Don't you dare-' I shadow travel before he can get to me and appear two feet in front of Percy, making him jump.
'Dude!' He shouts, 'you've got to stop doing that!'

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