Part 26

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The smoke follows us through the cupboard. Annabeth is still unconscious, so I force myself further through the labyrinth, unsure which way Will went.
I know that when I get to the first new room the maze will rearrange, I'll be unable to find my way back. But I need to get Annabeth safe. She needs fresh air. I prop Annabeth up on my shoulders, like a very dysfunctional piggy back ride. I keep walking.
I get to a dome like room, columns running around the edge, several different pathways standing before me. There's no going back now.
I'm about to continue when Annabeth perks up a little.
'Percy?' She asks, her voice hoarse from the smoke. She coughs a lot. I lower her quickly to the ground.
'Annabeth. Annabeth, it's me.' I say, propping her up against the wall.
'Nico?' She asks.
'Do you...what do you remember?' I ask, hesitant.
'I don't...I was in a taxi...' She says, raising her hand to her forehead, 'was there a fire?'
'You don't remember?' I ask.
'What?' She asks, looking up at me, 'where are we?'
'The labyrinth.' I say. She freezes, looks up at me.
'What?' She asks again, then pauses again, 'Jason...' She says slowly, 'is he...he's okay? That's not...I didn't...?'
'Annabeth.' I say, gently, 'it wasn't you.'
'Oh my Gods.' She says, 'oh my Gods. Oh my Gods.' She holds her head in her hands, hysterical, 'he's not. Tell me he's not...?'
'It wasn't you.' I say again, kneeling beside her, holding her head up to stop her falling to the floor. She's crying hysterically. It takes all my energy to not join her.
'Eidolons. It was Eidolons.' She says, angry at herself, 'I should have realised.'
'The things that take over your body?' I check, 'that's what did this?'
'It has to be.' She says. 'I remember watching everything...everything they did. But I couldn't stop it. That's how Leo described it. It has to be.'
'But what would they want with Will? With his sisters?'
'I have no idea.' She says, still staring vacantly ahead. I can tell her mind is elsewhere.
'We need to find our way out of here.' I say, 'I can't...I can't stand being here.'
'Nico.' She says, gently, 'Nico, of course. I'm so sorry, I forgot. Let's go.'
'No, no, take your time. I'm fine.' I say, not meaning it at all.
'Nico, I'm fine. I promise. Let's get out of here.'She says. She's still got tears running down her check, but she raises her hand and lets me lift her up. We proceed down a random walkway. I support her as she walks, still uneasy on her feet.
We walk for hours and hours before we find a crack in the walls. I give Annabeth a boost up and out, before following her myself. It's bright outside, but I can tell how many days have passed, or where in the world we were.
'I think I hear cars.' Annabeth says, pouting through a small forest, 'that way.'
'Right.' I say, 'okay. That way then.'

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